Good morning, prayer sed, reading done... Not by might, nor by - TopicsExpress


Good morning, prayer sed, reading done... Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit . . . says the Lord of hosts. ~ Zechariah 4:6 Sum ppl say, “I’m a nobody, and besides, God has so many millions of ppl to look out for, and in comparison w/sum of thm, my problems seem so petty.” These wrds are shocking. Of course, God has millions to care for ~ but He cn care for all of us at the same time. God wnts us to ask for help ~ and to ask often. Look at it this way: If Satan constantly attacks our minds, how else can we fortify ourselves? We fight bac ~ but our major weapon is to cry out to the Lord asking for His strength to become ours. Too many times, we think we cn do it ourselves. In sum instances, tht may be true, but if we’re goin to win continually ovr the attacks against our minds, we must realize tht willpower alone won’t wrk. Wht we need is the humility to turn to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to strengthen us. Many ppl do not grasp how the Lord lovingly operates in their lives. Not only does God love us lik a father, but He also has caring concern for ev part of our lives. Our heavenly Father wnts to intervene and help us, but He waits for an invitation to get involved. We issue tht invitation and open the door for God’s help thru prayer. God’s Word says, You do not have, because you do not ask (James 4:2). Perhaps we cn think of it this way. God is watchin us all the time, and He is aware of the temptations, struggles, and hardships we face ~ and we all face thm. If we think we cn do it by ourselves, God takes no action. But He remains ready to jump in and rescue us as soon as we cry out, askin for the power of the Holy Spirit to operate in our lives. Our victory begins w/right thinking. We hav to be convinced tht God cares, wnts to act, and waits for us to cry out. Whn we cry out, we understand the words quoted previously, tht it’s not by force or power, but by God’s Holy Spirit tht victory comes. For example, take the matter of personal fellowship ~ daily time spent in prayer and reading the Word. As Christians, we kno this is wht God wnts and wht we need if we’re goin to mature spiritually. There may be times in our lives where we may try to maintain spiritual self-discipline. Were determined tht we will pray and read the Bible daily. And we do well for two or three days, and thn sumthing interferes ~ family or wrk takes our attention away frm the Lord. Whn were too independent, we experience a lot of unnecessary frustration simply becuz we try to do things w/o God’s help. W/the Spirit’s help, well kno the difference between healthy thots and unhealthy ones. Whn we dn’t kno the difference, Satan has the opportunity to sneak into our mind and torment us. Spend plenty of time studying God’s Word, and youll quickly recognize ea lie tht Satan tries to plant in ur mind. Dear loving God, I wnt to think thots tht honor You. I wnt to hav a mind tht’s fully centered on You, and I kno tht cn’t happen unless I spend daily time w/You. Help me, Holy Spirit; help me to be obedient and eager to be in constant fellowship w/You. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 12:25:19 +0000

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