Good morning to all my friends. Well it another day and I thank - TopicsExpress


Good morning to all my friends. Well it another day and I thank GOD for his blessings, many I dont see, but as my day gos along I see areas where I know that GOD had his mighty hand in it, because if it were me doing or acting on it, I would destory what he has planned for me. Im so thankful for all the things that GOD allowed me to do such as Martial Arts Assistant Instructor, Police officer, Correctional Officer, Construction Worker, Machinist, and now a Staff Sergeant In the U.S. Military (hoping to be promoted soon). I guess this Facebook is my way of clearing my mind, and letting go of the past, it is very painful, but it is what it is (enough said on that). I go through my day looking for the good in all things now, however still being very watchful for the wolves in sheeps clothing, not that I spend much time on a constance watch for them, but Im very very pro active in stopping things before they get bad, (something I should have done a long time ago). Im sure each of us can truly count on one hand the true friends that you have, theres a country song that explains it better than I ever could. It talks about a friend would stop what he/ she doing and come and help you no matter how far, or the cost. Again it was a story that my Martial Instructor Mr. Ron Turchi told me about a boy that was going out with his friends and spending his money, but when the boy had no money the so called friends did not want much to doi with him, so the Father said Ill prove to you what a true friend is. I want you to go to all your friends one at a time and tell them that your in trouble and that the police are looking for you, this the boy did and none of his so called friends would let him in. Then the father said now go to this mans house tell hinm the same story and then tell him your my son, which the boy did and the man took him in, feed him, cared for him, even though he knew him not, the friendship he had with the boys father was enough. I see this in the way GOD cares for us, even though we are as the boy, always trusting others to care for us, help us, and love us, regardless of what we have done, they always want something in return, and if you cant give it they turn their back on you and walk away. But not GOD, again I dont see each blessing each day, however as my day, week, month gos by I then see his hand working in my life, and for that Im very thankful. I guess what Im saying is for me the past is a tool that I have that I can use to make me that better person, not to be bound by the past, but free to learn from it. I seek not for fame, money, but for the love that I know GOD is giving me each day. Im very thankful that GOD blessed me with a wife that truly loves me and she never fails to tell me each day, regardless of how bad my day may have been or if I just need time to think, She is a true blessing. (I take nothing from my past wife, she is very special in her own way, and I was belssed to have her in my life). Well have a great day and GOD bless each of you. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 11:05:20 +0000

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