Good morning to all on this terrific Tuesday! I had the most - TopicsExpress


Good morning to all on this terrific Tuesday! I had the most wonderful weekend. Saturday night with the women at Bridgeport was the greatest! Sunday morning I visited a church in Plano and had lunch with my dear friends Karen, Byron, and Coye before heading to Temple. Yesterday morning my first appointment was at 7:30 at Scott & White for my routine 6 month pulmonary tests. I received a good report from all tests and was pleased to find lung capacity had improved significantly. Praise Jesus. I want to share a portion of the message I heard Sunday. I am sorry I do not remember the man’s name but the analogy he gave touched my heart and I think it will do the same for you. The following is his story: “I live out in the country and someone dropped a dog on the road in front of my house. He immediately took shelter in the woods across the road. He looked like a pretty good dog so I decided to feed him. I got some food and tried my best to coax him to eat but he would not come anywhere near me or the yard. Finally, I carried the food to him in the woods. Each day I set the bowl a little closer to the road. It took several days to get him to cross the road to eat and over a month before I got the food bowl into the yard. I kept putting the food out every day and he was becoming more familiar with coming into the yard to eat. One day, I went out and laid down on the grass beside the food bowl. He came and ate and afterward he came and licked my hand and allowed me to pet him and love on him. We had a breakthrough and from that point he was a loving companion for many years. Father spoke to my heart and said, “Son, that’s the way you were once upon a time.” I didn’t understand and Father explained, “All you wanted was to love the dog but he was afraid to get close to you. All I wanted was for you to let me love you but you were too afraid to come close enough to let me touch you. You were too afraid to let me love on you and provide for you. There are a lot of other people I would like to take care of and love on but they are too afraid to get close to me. I will not harm them, I will only do good things for them. Just like you were patient with the dog and all the days you took the food to him, I am patient with those I love. I keep trying to woo them to me but sometimes they can never get past their religious bondage to receive the blessings I have for them. Tell them about my love for them and help them to break free of their fears.” I thought this was a very touching story. He didn’t say what kind of dog it was but I can just see some big, loveable Old Yeller type dog. Regardless of the breed, he learned the lesson of love. Oh, if only people could learn that lesson as easily as the dog. When we find ourselves in tough situations, Father God wants us to come to Him without any reservation or hesitation. He is not looking for opportunities to whip on us or punish us; He is looking for opportunities to show His magnificent love to us, to protect us, and provide for us. Don’t be like the dog and shy away from God’s love; run into His arms. He can change your heart and change your life in ways beyond anything you have ever dreamed. Jesus is the One who can put the hope back in your life. I’ve never counted them but I was told once that something like “do not be afraid” is in the Bible 365 times. If that is so, that’s a “do not fear” for every day of the year. You know, if God says it one time it’s important; if He says something that many times He must really mean it! So don’t be afraid to come to Jesus because “Jesus Loves YOU!”
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 11:29:39 +0000

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