Good morning to everyone....Katie had a good start to the night - TopicsExpress


Good morning to everyone....Katie had a good start to the night but around 4am she woke up coughing and then started throwing up her formula. Im not really sure could be a number of reasons but Im thinking maybe a side affect from the chemo?? The nurse gave her some more phenergan to a. control her nausea and b. help her sleep. We both went back to sleep pretty soon after she, the bed, and the mess was cleaned up. So today is transplant day!! Last transplant went really good so I have high hopes this one will be no different! I saw this morning that we have a lot of new supporters! Thank you for following Katies story and praying for her. Just to give you a quick recap of Katie....back in February, we were sent to Scottish Rite by our pediatrician for a spinal tap due to us thinking Katie had meningitis. Spinal tap came back negative but the ER doctor wanted a CT Scan done to see the cause of the pain in her neck. After the results of the scan came back, I was told that they found a tumor in her brain towards the back of the neck. Immediately a neurologist came on to speak to me and go over the scans. They were also concerned about the pressure build up in Katies head. They immediately took her back to surgery and but a drain in her head to elevate the pressure and bring it back to normal. Her pressure was 30% and normal pressure is 15-20%! The next day Katie had an MRI done where we found a total of 4 tumors in her brain. Our world came to a sudden stop! As if hearing two days prior that your 2yr old baby girl had a tumor and now to hear theres a total of 4 was just heart breaking! After discussing the plan of action and speaking to the best neurologist and brain surgeon in his profession I felt very nervous, scared, unsure of the unknown, and sad. The next day was Katies emergency brain surgery that was 8 hours long!!! That morning our pastor Kevin Queen from 12Stone church came and prayed with us over Katie before we went to the OR. Katie was so upset and crying the whole time until Kevin placed his hands on her and I and started to pray. Katie immediately got quite and it was as if God was right there in the room with us comforting her and letting her know everything was going to be ok and not to be afraid. Once even was done...she started right back up crying again. I truly believe God was in that room with all of us that day🙏 So anyways back to where I was going with this...Im sorry I have tears streaming down my face just remembering that day and those memories...Katies surgery was a success. They removed the biggest tumor and the others would have to be destroyed by chemotherapy. Which brings us to today! Oh my there are so many other details of her long journey over the last 5 months but yall would seriously be reading a book! Lol So her transplants are basically a bone marrow transplant. No big surgery as I have read some think it is... Katie will have her stem cells transplanted back into her body through a surenge. The reason for this is because the type of chemo she is receiving for her last 3 cycles is the biggest and baddest chemo I guess for her age, and her stem cells will help her body recover quicker and help her body make new white cells and more stem cells since the chemo kills all her good cells in her body. So with all that being said today is a big day! Thank you again for all your continued love and support. I will continue to say that it is because of all the prayers I truly feel it is why Katie has done so well throughout this entire process. We love you all and thank you🙏💜
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:05:50 +0000

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