Good morning to you! TODAY IN THE WORD Monday, July 8, - TopicsExpress


Good morning to you! TODAY IN THE WORD Monday, July 8, 2013 Congregational Leadership—Qualifications for Elder Read 1 Timothy 3:1–7  If a man desire the office of a bishop he desireth a good. 1 Timothy 3:1 Paul continued to write on congregational worship, he took up the qualifications for elders. The “good work” (v. 1) of being a "bishop" includes leading, preaching, teaching, and general pastoring or shepherding, which also means protecting the sheep from false doctrine. Sixteen qualifications are listed for serving as an elder. Some are positive general virtues, such as being self-controlled and hospitable. Others are stated negatively, such as not being quarrelsome. Spiritual maturity is particularly key. Paul specified that an elder not be a new convert, as this would present too strong a temptation to pride. An elder should be faithful to his wife, “manage his own family well and see that his children obey him” (v. 4). This is a kind of test case, as a man who cannot lead his own family should not be trying to help lead a church. The final item on Paul’s list is a bit puzzling. How can elders expect to have “a good reputation with outsiders,” given that the world often doesn’t understand the life of faith? The phrase “snare of the devil” seems to indicate bondage to sin. (v. 7; 2 Tim. 2:26). The idea here, then, is that an elder must stand for sound doctrine or truth in a loving and consistent manner that earns respect from outsiders. In short, he must walk the talk. Apply the Word Did you know that practicing hospitality is one of the qualifications for eldership (v. 2)? Although this was an important cultural value in Bible times, it has been much neglected in our own day. After all, who has time? Perhaps we need to rethink our priorities in order to make room for this biblical virtue! Have a blessed day applying the qualifications of "bishop" to your life!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 11:06:02 +0000

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