Good news to cap the end of the year: yet another inane resolution - TopicsExpress


Good news to cap the end of the year: yet another inane resolution pushed by the Palestinians and their Arab friends at the UN Security Council was defeated, thanks largely to the US and Australia voting against it. Note that France was among the members who voted in favor. So did China and Russia, which was not surprising, but it is quite disappointing to see the French once again voting against Israel, when they know all-too well that it is the Palestinians who need to make concessions. So this outcome got the US administration off the hook since it did not need to exercise its veto (the number of votes required - 9 - was just short of one vote while the rest abstained), but there are clear signs that even Obama and Kerry, initially exceedingly sympathetic to the Palestinian complaints, are getting more and more irritated by the repeated self-defeating tactics used by their protégés, even against the wishes expressed to them by the US. This sums it up nicely: the US under Obama wants desperately to push the Palestinian cause at Israel’s expenses, but luckily for the Jewish State the Palestinians themselves are proving incapable of cooperating. They have only two years left to take advantage of the historic chance they got when Obama became president in 2008, a chance that they have so far squandered repeatedly. Once Obama is gone, they should not expect to see a US administration with such friendly dispositions for a very long time, if ever. Contrary to what they keep saying, time is not on their side. It is on Israel’s. jewishpress/news/breaking-news/vote-to-force-israel-to-cede-to-palestinian-arabs-defeated-in-unsc/2014/12/31/
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:22:29 +0000

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