Good night KISS from Heaven: I hear His whisper... Have I - TopicsExpress


Good night KISS from Heaven: I hear His whisper... Have I not promised you that nothing will separate you from My love? The heavens will be rolled up like a scroll, the mountains may shake and fall into the sea, but My love for you will never be shaken and will never be moved. I have held you as My treasure and have longed for you, even as you have longed for Me. A fire burns within Me, an all-consuming fire of love that will never go out. The passion I have to make you Mine could never be dimmed or fade away. Each moment I carry you and you will never have to grope in the dark to find Me, for we are One. In your difficult night season I say to you, rest in My love. Never interpret My love by how it appears, but see the depth of My love by the sacrifice of My Son. It was on Calvary that I lifted Him between heaven and earth as a sign to you that My love is endless and will give up what was Most Precious so that I could have you. Nothing shall ever separate you from My love. Neither pain nor pressure, nor grief, nor disappointment. Nothing is more powerful than My love. I have promised you that I will never leave you comfortless. Is My presence not enough? Every day the glory of My presence overshadows you, even when you do not discern it. When you thirst, I give you Living Water, when you hunger and crave for more, I give you Living Bread and My satisfying peace. When you lift up your face to Me without shame, the sunshine of My love washes you and strengthens you. My invisible ways of love have carried you through life, so never let disappointment live within you. For I am Your God, the Mighty Lover who will never be turned aside by your weak heart. I am stirred to perfect you every time I see your weakness. Your growth is My boast, for the grace I have poured upon you will bring you into greater light and greater glory. Trust in Me and watch Me work as I demonstrate the depths of My love. Philippians 3:20 TPT But our passions are set on the heavenly realm as we cling tightly to our Life-Giver, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 02:35:00 +0000

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