Good night Kiss from Heaven: I hear His whisper... I am - TopicsExpress


Good night Kiss from Heaven: I hear His whisper... I am giving to you a renewed mind. I will restore your inner being and begin to pour light into your understanding as never before. Your mind and your thoughts will be filled with My glory. New ways of looking at what disturbs you will give you insights into My plans. A renewed mind is a mind made new. Change your thinking by My Word and I will change your life. My thoughts are contained in My Word. Eat My Word as living Bread and as timeless truth. I call you to look anew at your relationships, your disappointments, and your challenges. When My thoughts enter your heart you will speak and pray as a child of the Most High God, the Mighty One. When doubt fills your heart everything seems impossible and difficult; but faith sees the impossible it becomes an opportunity for glory to be revealed. To have no water in the wilderness was not a problem for Me. To have no food in the desert was no problem to Me. I opened the skies and poured out the bread of angels, and I opened the Rock and poured out the water of life. My holy servants will be changed beginning in their thoughts. I am about to give to My faith-filled warriors the ability to see the works of God even before I release them. Faith sees what others are blind to. Faith releases what others say will never happen. I say to you, whatever you ask of Me if prayer believing I will give to you as ask in the glory of My Name. You will see prayers answered on a scale never seen before. I will shake the earth to demonstrate My power as My people pray. I will fill the cloudless sky with rain as My holy ones seek My face and ask of Me. I will open up a way in the middle of your impossibility! Let your mind become the resting place of faith. Let your thoughts move into a higher realm where there are no barriers to your advance. My servant Caleb asked for a mountain and he received a mountain when others refused to ask and hid behind their unbelief. Many are asking for such small things when I am a King surrounded in glory that has no limitation. Joshua prayed and I stopped the sun in response. I lengthened a day into two, because My servant saw no impossibility. Ask and you will receive, seek and more will be possessed, knock and the heavenly gates will respond to your plea. The thoughts in your mind today will be the reality of who you are tomorrow. Fill your mind with My words and My truth. Be set free with a mind that soars in faith to view your limitations as I see them, for they are merely opportunities to enter into miracles and to possess your inheritance. I will have a people who walk in the Spirit of faith and laugh at mans impossibilities! A conquering son or daughter will not run from the day of battle. Know that I am with you and I will release to you the Spirit of Revelation and the Spirit of Wisdom that will cause you to excel and overcome. Let me teach you My ways and My thoughts. Enter into the chamber room of My heart and I will unfold the mysteries of My ways to you. Others will not value the lessons I have taught you in secret, but your true life is not before others, but who you are before Me. Enter in and learn of Me and you will find the euphoria of knowing My fullness and walking in My faith. Hebrews 11:1-3 The Passion Translation Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen. ²This testimony of faith is what previous generations were commended for. ³Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of God’s Words! He spoke in faith and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 02:35:01 +0000

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