Good night Positrons! What did we learn today? As per usual......I - TopicsExpress


Good night Positrons! What did we learn today? As per usual......I like to tell the whole story! ;-) I thought you might all enjoy my week at a glance. Last Friday we officially disconnected our Comcast Cable. So, on Saturday I got to thinking about that behemoth antenna that has been on the roof of our home ever since we bought it some 9 years ago. Circa late 60s, early 70s kind of a big rig! 6 feet across, I believe. So, I got out the 18 foot ladder and made my way up the ladder to the roof. At the top, the ice and snow jams along with the slippery deck, well......they all worked in congress with each other to take me crashing to the surface of the wooden porch, with quite a thud. Ouch! And yes, I shared a bit of this story last week. But......theres more. Now, I am on a medication called Coumadin. Along with Behcets Disease and my previous strokes, I also have a Hyper clotting Gene #5. So, its always imperative that I am constantly monitoring my clotting levels. Now, normally they like me to be between 2.4 and 2.5 on my INR. Well shortly after falling off the house I received a call from the Anti-Coag gals, and they told me I was at 4.3. That I was great need of dosing down. That I was at a dangerously high level. Then I went on to explain that I just fell off the roof. And I asked Do you think I should be seen? I dont think I broke anything, as far as I can tell! And she of course sternly said Andy! Yes, you need to be seen immediately. And ironically she was calling for another reason. I was scheduled for a colonoscopy that upcoming Thursday. So, She was going to give me orders on dosing down. Whenever I do this I also have to give myself injections of another med while I am off of the Coumadin. Once a day with a Pinch and a poke to the belly! Im safe for 24 hours. Those of you who have had the old colonoscopy know the whole prep routine......not too fun....right? A good 24 hours of......cleansing....lets call it! ;-) So, it came around to Thursday and I took a shower before the procedure here at home. I was coming out of the shower and I was on my way up the stairs and April said Oh My God ANDY! Your whole left side is one huge bruise! Especially your Ass! And you are having that procedure today! What are you going to tell them? Andrew Rueben Lindquist.....I cant take you anywhere without you getting yourself into trouble! For Petes Sake! Off to the procedure we went. I had to tell about a half dozen people why I was so bruised up....falling off the house and get the picture! I was officially the entertainment for the day at the hospital gals! They all got a good laugh at my expense! Butt.....get it? it was all in good fun! On a side note. I told April on the way to the doctors office that I wanted the first thing that I was going to eat later that day to be a Nicose Salad from Patricks Bakery! My favorite thing in the entire world! I begged her Please, please honey! If you dont let me get my salad, Im going to tell them that you beat me up and threw me off the roof, and thats why Im all bruised up! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Aprils response was Andrew Rueben Lindquist, if tell them that, you are not only not getting your salad, but you are never going to get laid another day in your life! ;-) So, I took in all of the information and.......told the lucky my Nicose Salad for dinner that night! ;-) ;-) ;-) Its like my friend Rich says to me all the time Someone needs to put a camera on your head everyday Andy! This sh*t is gold! ;-) Boooooooooya, andy Out!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 04:23:42 +0000

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