Good night Positrons! What did we learn today? If you never - TopicsExpress


Good night Positrons! What did we learn today? If you never can you say that youve truly failed? I am one who firmly believes in exhausting all of your opportunities before giving up! You have a dream? Of course you have dreams, every single one of us does. But some of us sit idly by and expect the world to come to us. Put yourself out there. Dont be afraid of criticism.............cuz....criticism is always gonna come, if you want it or not. Its what you do with it that separates us from the rest of the crowd. Okay, say for instance you Love, love, love to cook. Just because you love it, doesnt mean you have to be The Best in your field. Not at all. Do it out of love and passion for your dream. Enjoy the process....This way, when negative/dreamkiller people come along,( Which they will.... ;-)... and try to bring you down for putting yourself out there.......they will be unsuccessful, because you, well, you are coming from a place of pure passion, understanding and love. When your Dream Foundation is built with the brick and mortar of personal passion, aint nobody gonna stop yer ass! Nobody! You see, if we build our dreams around what others think of will most certainly come tumbling down all around us. I have seen this sooooooo many times in the music business. The biggest dream killer? Jealousy. This one is a double killer. For, if we are jealous of others that are achieving their dreams, it will kill our own dreams. And if others attack us with their jealousy, they will kill us from the inside out! And an ironclad guarantee! So, dont partake, in either one. Feeling jealous, or having jealousy pushed down upon you from the outside is a dream killer! Here is another danger to you and your passion.... the Comparison Complex. This is when we constantly compare ourselves to others. This one is a Doozie. It can keep us from even trying......At All....and very sad.... :( Dont make these unhealthy comparisons. Not good, not good. Now, on the other hand it isnt a bad thing to have heros in your field that inspire that is different. Why, if it wasnt for the Beatles, The Who, Todd Rundgren and Deep Purple.... I would not have pushed myself further as an artist. They were my healthy Water Mark so to speak. Out of love for their music, I pushed myself to be better! But, if we set the bar on Low and compare ourselves to the Haters, and the Talentless Detractors, that wish to bring us down, we will surly fail in all of our endeavors. I say......Dont bother with the Little Shitz. Im not saying, put people down and belittle others because they are not on your bandwagon, NOT AT ALL! Quite the contrary. I say.... lift up your detractors, lift em high, and forgive them regularly! And give them your biggest smiles....and your biggest hugs....and....some.....I say......well......just virtual hugs will do... ;-) This will only help us! Sounds weird, but its true! Granted, you dont have to have them in your immediate airspace, but just dont talk smack on your critics. It only serves to destroy us in the long run! Dream Big Positrons! You deserve to be happy. Just base your dreams on just loving what you do! That Simple! This will take you miles and miles and miles! You will soon find that your success will just One Day there, right smack dab in front of you. And all you were doing, all of that time was simply enjoying the ride, and simply building others up around you! Now....if you are a Chef....this is a dang good recipe! Now, Go and get your Dreams Positrons! You are You, and You are Awesome! Booooooooooya Andy Out!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 02:34:31 +0000

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