Good night warriors!!!! Seems there has been maybe some confusion - TopicsExpress


Good night warriors!!!! Seems there has been maybe some confusion ?! Not sure but I did get 1 person to message me and ask me some questions and Im ok with answering them, as you all know this page is an open book into our lives ,if we have a bad day you guys know it , if we have a good day and get out and about we take the opportunity...well the question where the confusion came in was how can I not afford to take my daughter to WI, but yet take her to swim with dolphins and out to eat.... Here is my answer and those of you who have been on here for some time knows I have always shown proof of what I have spent ... So here goes ..... I have not used any money ever raised for Michaela for anything like this trip or go out back at home!!!! I have receipts for the Dr visits , meds well vitamin supplement INSURACE does not cover gets very expensive....traveling back and forth to her specialist Ive always shown a pic that we did make it , Michaela still has a little money to go on her next trip !! Praying its not the 7day emu but it would be for anyone thats donated to her medical fund ,thank without you we couldnt have made that appointment , we paid our hotel stay and food while away ,plus what needed to be paid for tolls and fuel....oh yeah the big one her Dr. Bill.... I understand why some would question how we can do this and how we cant ?? Ok I shouldnt have to explain but Im going to because their may be others out there who would like to ask especially if they have donated for her medical funds.... Again thank you :) ok so here goes I have talked about this trip for a while even while posting about the Dr.apt and the trip at the same time... Ok so as Ive said before this trip was taken care of way before her dr apt.. and was given up as a gift by a family friend.... Grandma gave us fuel to get here, and called and paid for the dolphin swim... We have only went out for dinner 2 times since we have been here.... And if we dont have a gift card then we pay but order off the kids menu..... And not only that this trip I have friends that know others to lower the cost for some things we have not even taken part of , our main goal is to make our family happy and to let Michaela enjoy life right now ...we are living in the moment away from all the hospitals and Drs... That will change when we get home because we have a list of test to do and a 7 day stay in the hospital... I just want you to know I have proof of where the money that was raised to help us get her there and back ...I shouldnt have to post receipts but I will!!! I wouldnt want to give to a medical fund and not understand where or what the money is spent on .....Im not gonna let this drag me down , I am here enjoying this time I have with my family , and so happy 1 of mickeys dream come true today !!!! That there has no price tag....I just want you all to know those of you that have helped thank you ,without you it wouldnt have been possible to get her to the dr. Thank you to those of you who have arranged things here to be able to enjoy this trip ... I see pages all the time going to the beach , having vacation , going out a lot and I smile because they get to do things and it makes that child happy ....its alright :) Im an open book on here !!! And,would never take advantage of anyone... So please dont be confused with the money fund we have I just explained it , I dont take her question as being rude I hope,she soon see we are like I said when I get home I can show whoever wants to see where money has ... Well Ive got go to take every us if you have any questioned on .. ..all Im worried about is how can we make this he
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 04:18:29 +0000

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