Good topic of discussion. As a black mom sometimes it is a bit - TopicsExpress


Good topic of discussion. As a black mom sometimes it is a bit scary. We do have to have very real talks w our sons. Sadly I preach this about my son going to Cowboys here in the Lake Charles area. Well its obvious they dont want young black boys there. So dont support their business, simple. But here is the flip side. The way some of these young black boys act. I can understand. The drama starts when they show up. Most people just want to run a piecful establishment. These kids act like they have something to prove alllll the dam time. So here is my thing with my 21 yr old. He comes home from Cowboys one night. Uhh mom yesssss.( I already knew it was can I have or mom Ive messed up. ) I just wanna let you know I got arrested last night at cowboys.(mind u has no criminal record) Indrea stops in her tracks and spits fire from her nose in 3 seconds. Didnt I tell you.......yall can almost imagine the rest. So son were you drinking? Yes maam. Were you mouthing off? Uhhh yes maam a little. Round two of spitting fire. Didnt I tell you...... my point is. As a black parent at that point I had to do just that be a parent. I had to have that very real talk w my son about being hunted like prey in this country. This is harsh but reality. After I got on him about his behavior and explained how wrong he was (and of course he already knew this) I had to explain that they are looking for a reason to take your life. Dont give them a reason. We are on an unleveled playing field and white America has the advantage. Use your smarts. Why are you even spending your money in an establishment that doesnt even want you there. Case and point. He still paid to get in but then got put out. Im good enough to pay but not to stay. We grew up in a diverse community and thats how I raised my kids. We listen to everything from rock to rap to classical and opera so him being faced with racism was an eye opener. Its still present people. We have to teach against hate and teach our children how to love. Its not just whites and blacks yall, you cant tell me you dont see someone w a head wrap on in the airport and start praying their not on your flight. Kmsl. we all have it in us. We turn up our nose at gays and so forth. I can go in for hours. We have to learn to love and let God do his job he is the author and finisher of all this madness. We all have room for a daily cleansing of our souls. All of us. Daily. I have a diverse page w friends on FB from all backgrounds. Those that have had the chance to meet me know we kick it like brothers and sisters no matter what you kook like. Guys we have got to learn to do what God has called us to do and that is to love thy neighbor as yourself. Be blessed.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 01:56:57 +0000

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