Good old times. When I started to discover electronic music I was - TopicsExpress


Good old times. When I started to discover electronic music I was around 12, I was living in the same town where I live now, which counts 86 people in total, its up in a mountain surrounded by nothing but trees, really pretty place, but for a 12years old kid living there was hell, I had one friend which was 3 years older than me so he got a scooter (we r Italian after all) much earlier than me, and he was free to live and go hang out in the bigger cities around my valley, I wasnt I was stuck at home alone, I had very few choices, find something to do, kill myself or being an idiot and do things that would have helped me forget the situation, o found something to do, there was no internet, there was no YouTube, I had a cracked copy of at the time cubase Vst 3 (which came much earlier than cubase 3 that we all know) and NI pro52, and I spend my days and night figuring out how everything would work, I still felt like I was lonely I still struggled with things but if I look back at it now, it was all awesome, the music was awesome! Eventually years passed and I finally got a scooter, I was finally free, but by then my passion for music was way to huge to just leave it behind just to hang around with my scooter. When I was at high school I obviously had no money to afford buying records, so for 5 years I would use the money my parents were giving me for food to buy records instead, I more than once ask my best friend to split his food with me and he s always been kind enough to, but hell, those were God times and the music was great. In 2003 I was full on into hardcore music, I loved it, there was this big club that would throw the biggest parties with the biggest djs, I also got to play there once! But in 2003 at that very same club I got punched in the face for no reason, and then they tried to steal my stuff, hardcore back in the days was polluted with stupid people, the music all of a sudden wasnt so great anymore. I quickly after, discovered hardstyle and trance, I would get hooked up completely with it especially trance, I was a hardcore producer and Dj, I was starting to get my name out, so I was clueless when I switched, I had to learn everything from scratch since hardcore and trance were so different, but I eventually did it and hell, the music was great again, uni came along all I was doing was literally making music (I ve never been big on books) I sacrificed all of my youth for music, Ive been to a few depression stages and eating disorder cause I had no friends but my computer and people online, but looking at that time now, those were good times and the music was great! After uni I decided to go to Australia which has always been my biggest dream, Ive lived there for a while, the 1st 6 months I was living in Brisbane with my ex, in a house that had no chairs cause we couldnt afford them, we would eat on the counter and I used to produce while sitting on the floor, we were broke, it was hard but I freaking loved those days and the music was great! The following summer I came back to italy I had been thinking about quitting with music cause nothing was going anywhere, one day though I had this old midi I made a few years before, and I decided I randomly wanted to work on it, Caffeine was made 3 weeks after, I remember the email I got from Jono, when he said those 5 magic words, we want to sign it I cried, it was a dream come true, those were great times and the music was great! A few months after, I was back to Australia and I was trying to make something new, I had been working on this track that the only idea it had was a drop (terms that didnt really exist back then) I ve stressed on that for 3 months eventually a decent groove and melody would came to my head, but Ive never been really happy about it, however since anjunabeats asked me for new material I decided to give it ago, the track was called sushi, it will become my biggest track, and probably will always be the track I hate the most, primarily for the amount of stress that caused me, I had to deliver something that would match caffeine, and somehow I felt like I would have never been able to, funny enough sushi became the track to beat. Passion for music started to become more of a job I started to feel the pressure of being under the spot light, I was super stressed cause I needed to keep the quality up, those were horrible times at the time, but as Im writing this, those were in fact good times and the music was great! Since this story is becoming pretty long I ll cut some of the years in my life, but I got a few gigs here and there I went thru a breakup I met the girl of my life, I had good moments and bad moments (like everyones life) but at the end of the day, they were still good times and the music was great! In the past year I have been in and out of hospitals for reasons that were never clear, until they finally found a benign tumor inside my nose cavities, it was nothing crazy and it wasnt what caused my problems, but it had to be removed, I had surgery that had a few hiccups, but Ive lived, Im recovered and almost back to normal so I cant tell those were good days, but Im alive Im fine, those are just days atm and the music, well I think its enjoyable, I still listen and play some tracks that were around during my surgery 6 months ago, but Im sure in 5 years these will be the good days, and the music will become great! Cause the more times passes the more things change and the more the past start to look beautiful even despite the shit that we were going thru, and what does music have to do with this, well I strongly believe that the music we listen becomes the soundtrack of our life, and of course we chose the best tracks for this, and this is why the music WAS great, cause whats out now is currently meaningless to us, its just mixed sounds that have nothing attached to it, dont get me wrong some tracks touch you right away, some only have drops to make people rage, but at the end of the day we chose which tracks will be part of our memories and those tracks will always be greater than anything that its going to be released in the future, which will eventually become someone elses life sound track, in my life soundtrack there is only music I like there is no music I dont like cause I dont listen to it (pretty easy). So this whole thing I wrote while Im on the train on this rainy day is not something to change your mind about music nowdays and back then, is to make you understand that music is like a brand new car vs an old shit car but filled with memories, there are better New cars than others, some are for an elite of people some are for everyone, but we all have that shit old car where we learned how to drive or where we kissed the love of our life for the 1st time, that will always have a more special place in our hearth than anything that is brand new, music works the same way if not a 100times more. So give it time, and you ll see how the shit music we have now, will magically become good old music at one point of your life. Best D7
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 15:41:30 +0000

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