Good part of the day, dear educators! This post is for people - TopicsExpress


Good part of the day, dear educators! This post is for people interested in joining me, a speech educator, in my efforts to change the way we teach our children to speak. The bottom line is that in order to speak normally, every human must know the code for normal speech! As everything else in the universe, correct speech action is also a part of the energetic matrix and requires us, speakers to follow the strict natural laws. Every good speaker follows them without much awareness. Every speech professional knows better than anyone that after you teach your speech student to make a correct speech movement to produce a correct sound, generalization of this correct skill takes some time.... This time varies from client to client because of different degree of conscious energy a student puts into his speech self-education.... So, we, speech educators, can give our student a CODE, but he/she is the only one who can use it, enter the land of speech knowledge, learn, practice and make it perfect. This is what the ETALON method does with 100% effectiveness. I am open to any questions, professional curiosity, and possible collaboration with speech colleges. It is time to change our profession for better!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:43:04 +0000

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