Good people of the Commonwealth , here is a story received via - TopicsExpress


Good people of the Commonwealth , here is a story received via e-mail , do you all believe that the UN will ignore the important matters that David-John has lodged ? why are these fakers seeking refuge , you read & decide . UN Climate Scientists Plead for Immunity from Criminal Prosecution johnosullivan.wordpress/2012/06/14/un-climate-scientists-plead-for-immunity-from-criminal-prosecution/ Climate researchers working for the United Nations have issued an astonishing plea for immunity from prosecution. Government-funded personnel sought the ruling on the eve of the latest round of international climate talks scheduled for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (June 20, 2012). The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) issued it’s formal request for immunity from prosecution to “protect” researchers who have provided “evidence” supportive of the man-made global warming scare story. The perplexing plea will likely reverberate throughout the general scientific community as further affirmation that many climate scientists were not conducting honest research after all. John Bolton, a former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, questioned the motives, “The creeping expansion of claims for privileges and immunities protection for UN activities is symptomatic of a larger problem.” Especially worrisome is that in conjunction with the application for a sweeping “get out of jail free card” for all it’s scientists the UNFCCC is remorselessly promoting a mammoth Green Climate Fund, intended to help mobilize as much as $100 billion a year for projects to lower global greenhouse gases. At the Rio conference the UN plans to trumpet a new draft planning and agenda document, “The Future We Want,” that will compel American families to pay $1,325 per year to “stop” climate change. Bolton, alongside many savvy taxpayers, is right to worry when such an organization seeking to manage a $100 billion a year fund based on dodgy science is at the same time demanding immunity from prosecution. Can you think of a better recipe for corruption? Worse yet, climatologists have never provided any credible evidence to back their doomsaying claims that Earth’s climate is ‘catastrophically’ warming due to human emissions of carbon dioxide. But critics argue the worst climate crime has been inflicted upon the poorest among us who are carrying the can for the global experiment into biofuels – Big Green’s alternative to CO2-emitting oil and coal. The least well off in our communities have been hit hardest by increased food and energy prices as biofuel production supplants food production – all at a time when well-funded climatologists continue to oppose any and all independent auditing of their computer climate models. It is little wonder such ‘scientists’ are increasingly cast in the same shadow as Wall Street banksters. Worse still, latest evidence from independent researchers here, here and here proves CO2 is not the bad guy and the greenhouse gas effect (GHE), the very cornerstone of global warming science, probably doesn’t exist. Importantly, an increasing number of scientists are affirming the new findings which demonstrate it’s not possible for CO2 – or any so-called “greenhouse” gas – to “trap” energy in Earth’s atmosphere – a frequently cited claim of global warming alarmists. Critics of the GHE say the latest findings comport with satellite data and indicate that Earth emits as much infrared heat as it receives from the sun and thereby proves there is no magical atmospheric effect in play making our planet warmer than it would otherwise be. Despite these groundbreaking new findings dozens of government agencies are avoiding addressing them. Instead they remain contentedly clamped to the teat of the climate cash cow issuing ever more apocalyptic statements while insisting that our atmosphere really does act “like a greenhouse.” Shamelessly, these “scientists” sustain the sham wholesale in their well funded institutions where, despite billions in funding, they still use outdated computer programs that model Earth as a flat disk lit by constant and frigid twilight. This government “flat earth modeling technique” has persisted since the early 1980′s when computers had far less processing power than today. But by stubbornly keeping their antiquated calculating method this embattled clique of climatologists think they can continue to get away with a fudge factor in their numbers that contrives an additional heating anomaly which they claim is the “trapped” energy of the GHE. wattsupwiththat/2012/06/12/unfccc-wants-immunity-from-prosecution-prior-to-rio20/ The organization responsible for managing a global cap-and-trade system worth billions of dollars for carbon emissions projects around the world is trying to get sweeping legal immunities for its actions, even as it plans to expand its activities dramatically in the wake of the United Nations’ Rio + 20 summit on sustainable development, which starts June 20. Despite its name, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or UNFCCC, legal experts ruled in 2006 that it was not to be part of the U.N. system of organizations that has enjoyed diplomatic and legal immunities since the end of World War II. Now, it is scrambling to figure out how to get them. A meeting of a UNFCCC subsidiary in Bonn last month agreed to forward a new draft treaty covering the issue to another meeting in November. Internal UNFCCC documents, examined by Fox News, show that among other things, top officials hope to use those immunities to avoid challenges in the future based on such things as: –possible conflicts of interest in their duties, –breaches of confidentiality in their work, –violations of the due process rights of those affected by UNFCCC actions, –making decisions or actions that are beyond the legal mandate of the organization or its subsidiaries.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 05:13:05 +0000

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