Good piece as always by Sheriden Forbes:- Why TONY BLAIR changed - TopicsExpress


Good piece as always by Sheriden Forbes:- Why TONY BLAIR changed the TREASON Laws and why LABOUR should have being abolished as a political party. The British Embassy in Pakistan distributed glossy pamphlets entitled “Multicultural Britain — a Land of Immigrants” which gave a raft of arguments as to the benefits of living in Britain such as well paid jobs, plain old welfare, and the prospect of inviting over the entire extended family (sans goat) once a British passport had been acquired. And of course there was the rather unpleasant — nay, treacherous — implication that there was no such thing as a homogenous Britain, no such place as an English homeland, just an indeterminate area of land settled by a vague mongrel collection of disparate peoples including any number of rag-tag colonial racists awaiting divine racial redemption from those they once oppressed. So desperate were the Labour traitors to destroy Britain that, having secured power, they immediately carried out two political acts which could only place our peaceful future in doubt. The Human Rights Convention was immediately incorporated into British law and immigration rules were relaxed to allow an open-door policy of mass Muslim immigration. A few thousand people who could gently assimilate were of little use to the Labour government. To ensure the success of their revolutionary plan, they urgently needed inassimilable millions and were quite prepared to deceive the British public about the real number of Muslim immigrants — and the real reasons Tony Blair wanted them in Britain. The next stage in Labour’s war against Britain and its indigenous people was to make sure the foreign colonisers maintained their 7th century ideology and customs through a curious yet highly effective liberal process called “multiculturalism.” This guaranteed their non-assimilation and thus provided Tony Blair and his friends with a hostile and ever-growing tool with which to incrementally erode traditional Britain. Despite the obvious violence that emanates from massed Muslims wherever they are in the world, the Labour government went to great lengths to portray Islam as The Religion of Peace, even as Christianity was mocked and defiled, and decent, moral and patriotic Britons were re-cast and criminalised as Islamophobic, race-hating Nazis. Not even our children were safe from Tony Blair’s thought police. The propaganda arms of the BBC and the state educational service tried to convince our children that their race, culture, religion and history consisted only of genocide, racism and evil. So while the British blamed immigrants and one another the Labour scum got away with treason of the highest order and Britain may well never recover from such treachery .
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 00:06:00 +0000

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