Good question. “The U.S. taxpayer has forked over - TopicsExpress


Good question. “The U.S. taxpayer has forked over billions of dollars to the Pakistani government, which condones the persecution of Christians,” Paul said. Many countries that receive U.S. foreign aid have laws that officially discriminate against Christians. Persecution of women is wrong. Persecution of Christians is wrong. Persecution of women or Christians in the name of religion must be stood up to. American power, if it is to have value in the world, must be used as a force against persecution. Our aid money, for example, should never go to countries that persecute women or Christians, not one dime. But today, it does. Paul demanded that the U.S. start placing conditions on the money it doles out to foreign countries that infringe upon the basic human right of freedom of religious belief.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 05:53:49 +0000

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