Good study, future tense.....for that quiet time reading. - TopicsExpress


Good study, future tense.....for that quiet time reading. When God Deals with Islamic World Dominance By Kit Olsen With the current situation between Israel and the Hamas terrorists in Gaza, it is important to keep in mind another prophesied war is on the near horizon. Of course, Israel will once again be the target. In the Bible, the battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39 (Gog-Magog war) is given the most detailed description of any prophesied future war. It is going to happen soon and the entire world will be affected by it. This war will bring about great devastation, but during and at the end of the Tribulation there will be utter destruction. Russia will lead a coalition of mostly Islamic nations against Israel. This war will occur before the Tribulation. It could begin as early as three and one-half years before the Tribulation. It will take seven years to clean up the damage, and seven-months to bury the dead (Ezekiel 39:9, 12). Halfway through the Tribulation the Jews will have fled Israel and will no longer be able to bury the dead. In order to fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel 39:9, 12) this battle must happen at least three and one half years before the Tribulation begins. The Lord Himself will supernaturally intervene in this war and the majority of the aggressors will be obliterated. These warriors will turn against each other. God will shake the earth with tremendous power and the invaders will wish they had never even had a bad thought about Israel. Scripture tells us this war will spread: “And I [God] will send fire on Magog [Russia] and those who live in security in the coastlands. Then they shall know that I am the LORD. So I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not let them profane My holy name anymore. Then the nations shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel” (Ezekiel 39:6-7). No one but God Himself will help rescue Israel when she is attacked. Without God’s intervention, Israel will have no chance to survive this invasion. God will preserve His chosen nation. He will not be doing this for Israel’s sake, but for His own sake, to make a powerful statement that He is in control, and that He is Almighty God and can no longer be ignored. God will actually bring these nations against Israel, who has rejected Him—for His glory. It is a major wake-up call to the entire world, and primarily for Israel, that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob lives forever and is King. Everyone should realize that without Him, they are condemned. Followers of Allah will be left scrambling trying to figure out how they can possibly continue claiming that Allah is God. Allah will be nowhere to be found when these heavily numbered, primarily Muslim forces march against Israel. Because of the awe-inspiring miracles performed by the Lord during the battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39, Israel and the Jews as a whole will experience a huge resurgence in their quest for God—for their Messiah. The entire world will have a chance to see God in action, as the true protector of Israel and many will come to salvation around that time. Scripture indicates the astonishing battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39 will take place before the prophesied Tribulation opening-up tremendous opportunities to share the Word of God. After this battle a large segment of Israel will be saved (converted) and the nation of Israel will turn back to Jehovah God after having rejected Him for over 2,000 years. The Holy Spirit will be poured out on them bringing about a short revival in Israel fulfilling the prophecies of Joel 2:28b-29, double referenced in (Acts 2:17-18), when the Jews will prophesy, dream dreams and see visions. In verse 29 Joel wrote: “And also upon the servants and upon handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit.” Joel is speaking about the Millennium in verses 21-28a, and then halfway through verse 28 he switches to the time prior to the Rapture and the Tribulation. The Joel 2:28b-29 prophecies are directed to the nation of Israel—to the Jews. It should be noted, earlier in verse 23; Joel’s prophecies are specifically to the nation of Israel, to the “children of Zion. In verses 28-29 Joel is still making reference to the “children of Zion.” These prophecies are about God pouring out His Spirit upon Jews. In the New Testament Peter takes an application of these passages in Acts 2:17-18. As mentioned earlier, nations throughout the entire world will witness and realize the miraculous intervention by God Himself (Ezekiel 38:23; 39:7, 21). Furthermore, in Joel 2:30-32, Joel distinctly presents a case for the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. He describes when this outpouring of the Spirit upon the Jews will happen: Prior to the Rapture and the Tribulation. All believers, including the new converts will “escape” the Tribulation by way of the Rapture before the Tribulation begins. Joel 2:30-32: “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and awesome day of the LORD. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of Jehovah shall be delivered for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those that escape as Jehovah hath said, and among the remnant those whom Jehovah doth call.” The “coastlands” referred to in the previous Scripture are also destined to experience the wrath of God for participating in the offense against Israel, indicating that the Muslim population will significantly decrease. The coastlands are maritime regions in the Middle East with heavy Muslim populations. These are homelands to those who will assist Russia against Israel with their fleets and troops. The “coastlands” extend to what would actually encompass global Islam, reaching all around the world, including Indonesia. One of the results of this war will be the removal of a significant portion of Islamic domination. It is also very likely that Mecca, the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock will to be severely damaged or destroyed by the tremendous earthquake cited in Ezekiel 38:19. It will not be possible for a one-world government, a one-world church and a one-world economic system to take hold unless the influence of Islam is tremendously reduced or removed. If not we will have an Ayatollah type one-world government, economic system and world church. It is apparent to me that it would be nearly impossible for the prophesied one-world government, a world economic system, and a world church to be established while Islam is standing in the front wings of world dominance. From studying Scripture, it is my point of view that an ecumenical, apostate one-world church is much more likely than an Islamic religious take-over. Although at the moment, it certainly does appear that Islam, because of its enormous population and wealth could rule the entire world. But as we see from Scripture, there is a point when God will no longer sit quietly on the sidelines and allow His holy name to be desecrated. If Islamic world dominance is not removed, then the Antichrist will be Muslim, the world church will be Muslim and the one-world government will be a caliphate. But that is not what is described in Scripture. There are two legs on the image of Daniel in chapter two. The two legs represent the two divisions of the Roman Empire, which were divided into those two legs in 400 AD upon the death of Theodosius; the western capital in Rome and the eastern capital in Constantinople. The western leg with its capital in Rome was broken and not restored until 800 AD when the pope crowned Charlemagne king of the holy Roman Empire. That empire then was overrun by the Huns and that type of government went up into Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm. The eastern leg stayed intact until 1453 and then it was overrun by the Muslims -- so we have a choice then, of either taking the Antichrist, the world government and one-world religion out of that eastern division/Isalm, or the western division. I choose the western division because of typology. Antiochus Epiphanes, a Greco-Syrian is given in Daniel as a type of Antichrist, and he was a European. The Antichrist will be from the western or European side and therefore not a Muslim. Moreover, the Antichrist is seen riding, from the west to the east as he makes his capital in ancient Babylon. And the one who rides that beast today is the Vatican or the western side of the old Roman Empire (the Roman Catholic Church from the western leg). And the world church is not Islamic because it comes from Nimrod with the worship of little baby Tammuz in Semiramis’ arms (Nimrod’s Babylon/The Roman Catholic Church). The Israelites worshipped the Babylonian god Tammuz whom the Canaanites addressed as Adonai (my lord). The summer festival of Tammuz celebrated the death of nature and revival in the spring. Tammuz was associated with the Babylonian deity Ishtar (Astarte), (who was later called Adonis by the Greeks). He was also associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess, who was worshipped by the Romans. Notice God’s attitude toward those who engaged in the worship of Tammuz: “Therefore will I also deal in wrath; mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity; and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them( Ezekiel 8:18). God said He would not hear anyone who carried out the idolatrous worship of Tammuz. The church in Rome at one time was once a sound church. The apostle Paul wrote one of the greatest letters he ever wrote to that church and in it he mentioned their faithfulness. The Roman church had many followers. Then the Roman Empire outlawed Christianity, and that church was forced to go underground. It was a true and faithful church, much persecuted by the Roman government. Then Constantine came into power as the Roman ruler and was nominally converted to Christianity at the beginning of the fourth century. Christianity until that time was outlawed, but Constantine declared Christ Jesus to be the only true God, and Christianity became the official religion. He declared that the heathen temples had to be destroyed. By that time, temples had been built all over the known world to the “Queen of Heaven,” the vir­gin-mother goddess pictured with the little boy Tammuz in her arms. Then Christianity became the only legal religion. Constantine said Tammuz and the Queen of Heaven could not be worshipped. What were these priests in the temple of Ishtar-Innini going to do? Did they destroy their idols and turn to Christianity? No, they did not. They removed the names of Ishtar and Tammuz off these idols, and etched in new names: Jesus and Mary! And the practice of idolatry forbidden by Scripture—Mary worship—continues today in the Roman Catholic Church. The roots of the end-time world church will be a survival from the background of Babylonian mysticism headed by the False Prophet prophesied in Revelation 16:13. The situation with Russian and Ukraine, and the current Gaza conflict where Israel is rightfully protecting herself from radical Hamas, is another step toward Ezekiel’s prophesied war—when Islam will be marginalized—changing the dynamics of the entire world on multiple levels, opening the way for a one-world-government, a one-world religion and one-world economic system to take hold. When will this invasion take place? This invasion takes place when Israel is back in the land, re-gathered as a nation as she is today. This war will take place when God Himself says it is time—when God in His sovereignty brings down the invaders: “I will put hooks in your jaws and bring you down” (Ezekiel 38:4a). Footnote: Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum also supports the view that the Gog-Magog invasion will take place prior to the Tribulation, Footsteps of the Messiah, page121, (The Pre -Tribulation View). Notes Brief excerpts taken from my book, A Better World Is Coming Soon - Don’t Miss It Expanded 2013 Edition. ....I wouldnt mess with God....just saying..... Pray for our Nation and for the salvation of many.....
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 04:47:11 +0000

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