Good whatever you have now, Its time to talk about Legend of Korra - TopicsExpress


Good whatever you have now, Its time to talk about Legend of Korra series finale and somewhat about the series overview. I wont lie, after I saw this two episodes I was like It is awesooome and the ending was sooo much cool and I am loving it. But after the dust has settled I can say, yeah it is not a good finale. I talked about it with my friend who is also a Korra and Avatar fan and she gave me some points to think about it. Lets brake it down. Action was great, good animation overall. The twist with gate opening, wedding of our two secondary characters. One problem I have is Kuvira and sweeping her away from the epilogue. If you remember my Kuviras Gambit thoughts I spoke about that I think Kuvira loves Baatar jr and she had to make a tough choice when either uniting her kingdom or leaving republic city. What her story arc lacked was her talk with Baatar after the battle, him asking her why she did this and she propably admitting that he was her only weakness or she admitting she would sacrifice everything even her own happiness. I would love to see one of them asking for forgiveness and the other forgiving. But what we got is just I am going to jail and her army oh, okey, no more battle, we are going home The other problem is the ending, Korrasami ending, I am in the camp that says: Korra and Asami are going to be couple and they are using vacation in spirit world as time to get to know each other better. We watched their relationship develop in four seasons, I think this was a logical conclusion to all of it. But the bad thing about this ending was it ambiguity. There was no kiss that would show us they are feeling something for each other. You propably read a tone of articles saying: Not ambitious enough or wasted potential, I will give the link to one of them and now the words taken from it: ...that want to show kids and teens that being on the queer spectrum is normal, but because of the system they can only hint at it, whisper it and wink. Is it NICK fault or the authors? I dont know but no matter what, I think it is a bad way to end the series. We could have the chance to show something very important. I myself think that we should have vacation in the middle of this season (but more of like camp trip or just a night on the town) and after finding out that Korra and Asami have a lot in common and they like each other a lot, one of them should break the at the end. Apart from these two points, I liked the ending a lot, but a friend of mine told me: That doesnt feel like series finale, opening the gate in the middle of republic city is something that gives us a chance to make more adventures and Korra herself is saying that she changed the world a lot but she feels the journey have just begun. I wont lie, in the back of my head I have the feeling that ending might not be as satisfying as I felt for the first time. Now the little series overview. Treatment of Katara, SHAME! She could have been a good character but she was wasted in everything. The same goes with the rest of Aang family, wasted potential. While everyone loved Toph and her cameo, Katara should have bigger role, second season shouldve been her great moment to shine. No fire nation and Zuko daughter gets like two line in entire series, what? There should be more time looking on Zuko family, and the whole Fire Nation, how does it look like after all this time? What about the meeting between young Iroh (the republic general) and his mother? Mako and Bolin, I liked Mako in first season and hated Bolin. Now in season four, I am bored with Mako and I like Bolin a lot. Mako is another wasted character with no arc to him while Bolin gets every good character stuff. He rose so high in season four while Mako was getting more and more boring. The whole series had a very poor treatment from NICK, it should have those 52 or 65 episodes and get everything in it. There was lot of stuff that was solved between seasons and that was a big mistake. It is a good show, worth watching but the ending left me with the feeling: I am not fully satisfied. and now the link: themarysue/legend-of-korra-ending-scene/
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:47:11 +0000

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