Goodmorning, Greetings Abba, Father God, thank You for quite times - TopicsExpress


Goodmorning, Greetings Abba, Father God, thank You for quite times and for always being there for me; Lord thank You; that I am under the weather all of a sudden I came down with strip throat, fever and clogged nostrils just before I was to get my Flu shots. No matter I find myself feeling like I might break under this and the pressure of life and whats happening in the world today trying to breaks my spirit; IN You Lord, I put my trust and if be Your will rebuke my sickness in Jesus Name. Thanks for these daily trials, I know that We can always trust You to be there for Us. Father, Your Word comes ALIVE every time We read there is always a new message there to lift Us uP above what ever is causing Us concerns. Lord thank You for Your continued blessings on US. Please bless, protect and guide Our Leaders who put their trust in You, Our: Families, Lovedones, my Church; Shepherd Of The Hills and other Campuses and Churches, my Life Group Members and Others; We pray for the many who are hurting, suffering in so many and different reasons. Thank You for Your continued faithfulness in providing all Our needs, Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy and for allowing US to see this Beautiful morning. Lord touch hearts with the desire to love You more daily in NEW and different Ways, to be in prayer for oneanother. REFRESHED Us to give You the glory and reverence You alone are worthy of. WE praise and thank You Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; help Us to Remember always; Your love and sacrifice of Your only Son, His shed Blood; poured out for Us at Calvary; to pay a debt He did not owe, to take Us out of darkness into Your marvelous Light and life Eternal through Him, with You. Give Us BOLDNESS to share the Gospel to those who do not Yet know You; may come to Your saving grace in Christ and make Jesus their Boss, Ruler Lord and Savior. Abba, Father God; what a privilege and honor, to be Your child. Thank You for loving Us Unconditionally Father. We pray for those who are heavy laden and weighted down with sin in their hearts, minds, souls and spirits; casting ALL their burdens on You for You cares. Father, Please remove any and All Disease, anxiousness, guilt, depression, shame, low self esteem, sickness, greed, pride, unforgiveness, malice, envy, jealousies, bitterness and anything that is not of You Father God, according to Your will. Create in US a clean heart and renew a right and steadfast spirit within Us. Holy Spirit overtake and convict Us for We walk by faith and not by sight and that which we see we view through the eyes of the spirit of Your Word! Father, please help Us to Pray believing Your kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and We call those things that be not as though they were! We thank You Lord for Your manifested presence in Us who are in You to be Salt and Light to those who are not and still living in darkness; to share Your LOVE through kindness, donations and resources in any form possible; as We meet them where they are. Lord allow US to move in expectation for You to do exceedingly abundantly above all that We ask or think according to Your will and power that works in Us; WE prayer, in Jesus Precious holy Name. Amen
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:39:20 +0000

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