Goodmorning/afternoon everyone! Were coming off of the biggest - TopicsExpress


Goodmorning/afternoon everyone! Were coming off of the biggest event of the summer (sad I know) and I want to know what were your STUDS & DUDS of the night? STUDS for me would be the Rollins/Ambrose match. The finish allows the feud to continue while making both men look good. Bray/Jericho for the fact of this marks Brays first big win while on the main roster, Ziggler winning the IC title and Brock delivering an astounding 16 german suplexes. His new shirt should say #EatSleepConquerGiveJohnCena16GermanSuplexes My only real DUD would be the title change in the divas match, and the heel turn on Nikkis part. The divas match was good, but they keep flipping the title every time a match is held between the two. The Rampaige is a nasty finisher, I will say that. Nikki turning means we get a sibling rivalry angle that only ensures 6 months down the road, they reunite as Nikki realizes how selfish she was etc etc etc. So I ask you, the wrestling universe that witnessed the spectacle that was Summerslam, what were your #Studs & #Duds of the night? Are you excited for Raw tonight? Let your voice be heard! #WWE #PostSummerslam
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:48:07 +0000

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