Goodmorning this news is very impt so I need to pass it on. Share - TopicsExpress


Goodmorning this news is very impt so I need to pass it on. Share if u interested. Let me start with a question. Do we have laws in this country? The nation need strong hands since the hands holding it now is weak. Criminals are made to walk freely and good Samaritans are rather treated like criminals. In Ghana our institutions work anyhow and ignore serious cases which can destroy the image of the country. One of these cases which I find very painful and hard to sleep on is the case of the alligator kids... Our two ministries (ministry of gender rights n protection) and ministry of health) failed to notice the pains those kids were going through. It took Gods Grace to locate a kind hearted woman to help those kids. After registering her NGO and passing through the right process the police arrested her for fraud. Would the police have arrested her if adebayor didnt make that offer to help those kids? What is Nana Oye and the police achieving? Where were they when the kids needed help? Do they have interest now that donations are flowing? Where are the kids? Why is Anita Desoso allowed to interfere in this case? Is she now a deputy to Nana Oye? Our authorities are placing the country on a time bomb and if care is not taken they will kill every opportunity for this nation. Now the kids are no where to be found and the nation is mute on this coz we think its not important? But that kid there can be your child,brother or grand child. We fighting for nothing as a nation.. those kids you see there Madam Oye, are the future of this nation and u keep tossing their lives like dice?? madam oye and dep Anita desoso, would you have been unserious if those kids were to be yours? Michelle needs to hear from you and if ear is not given to her the right thing will be done. We need to be serious. We need to fight hard for this white woman and the alligator kids. Our voices can save them. We shouldnt wait for the worst to happen. The future of this nation cnt be destroyed in the hands of the wicked ones. We need to protect it now. Those poor kids needs us. You have had that privilege to be where u are. What about them? Are we the only future leaders? NO! Those kids are part of us. They cnt suffer because of some greedy men. Lets stand up cause we cnt build a nation without putting brains together, and those kids u see there make up the full brain of the nation. Where is the first lady anyway? May God have mercy on those kids and the nation Ghana.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 07:44:31 +0000

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