Gooood Moooorning, My Bangarang Boobies! Its gonna try and play us - TopicsExpress


Gooood Moooorning, My Bangarang Boobies! Its gonna try and play us like a One-Banana-Two-Bananas-Three-Bananas-Four-Four-Bananas-Make-A-Bunch-And-So-Do-Many-More Thursday out there waitin to have a go with us today! Hawks win! Hawks win! It took a double OT to do it, but theyre still alive! The fat lady hasnt sung yet. In fact, she can just sit her big a** down and order another round! Looks like Mother Nature has finally given up fighting us. Yesterdays weather was pretty sweet, and were looking to stay the course all the way until at least Sunday. Weather-wise, if these days could be described as women, yesterday was Mila Kunis, today is Charlize Theron, tomorrow is Angelina Jolie, and Saturday would be Scarlett Johansson.. For you women, your looking at George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Ryan Reynolds, and Matthew McConaughey! Either way ya look at it, theyre gonna be some nice days. If it gets any nicer, I may just hafta throw my name on that list!... We started out the morning around 61°. Were hoping to aim for a high today around 76°, which keeps it feeling pretty good zone. Mostly clear skies today with a few intermittent clouds, which means another day of Da B.O.S.S. (Buckets Of Sunny Sunshine) looking over our shoulders. No precipitation in todays forecast that we can see, nor for the next couple of days. Couldnt ask for better road conditions, and traffic is moving along steadily. Since yesterday was my newly established Back When Wesnesday, that obviously means today is Throwback Thursday, or for you hash-taggers its #TBT, #thedaybeforefriday, or #atleastitaintmonday. Time to pull out the pics and let the fashion police take em down! I dont know about you, but as far as fashion goes, I had more style than a New York City pimp with a no-limit credit card... So, better get used to some nice weather now, Mother Nature is tryin to make up for her early Spring, stay fresh, my friends, and hang tight till the weekend. And remember....Lets be careful out there!
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 14:22:57 +0000

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