Gooooooooood Tuesday Morning Everyone, I dont try to put things - TopicsExpress


Gooooooooood Tuesday Morning Everyone, I dont try to put things negative on here unless I feel there is some injustice in matters that others might not agree on and they view THAT as negative. Today, might be one of those days that people say, I cant believe he put something like this on his page. But what might seem negative will have a positive spin. This might be a long read for a Facebook page but I encourage you to take the time and read it. You will laugh and chuckle at first, but get the jist of it! I often do not see what I take a picture of! Let me explain, although I look through the camera and take a picture, I dont often see little things until I download the pics from the camera to the computer. One evening, I was taking some sunset pics in between Mantanzas and Marine Land when I caught these two pics. The first one I have posted before on Facebook and called it Splash because it literally looks like the sun is splashing into the cloud. If you notice to the bottom right a slight ridge line of clouds were starting to form. In a matter of minutes (about 15 photos later) it appears that the cloud has formed into a little man cloud with his arm sticking out and yep, letting the Sun know how he feels about THAT splash! How many times have issued such feeling towards others in traffic or had someone else let you know that you were #1 in their eyes, LOL!! It started me thinking this morning as I was going through pics getting ready for the on-line store that I have created and about to publish! How many times in our lives have we been doing things right, doing the necessary things that is needed to get the job done. Its been a struggle and you wander why things havent blossomed? I mean you have skin in the game, sweat, tears and even some blood! Then all at once someone comes along and hasnt necessarily done it the right way. Hasnt paid the price, gone about it the wrong way, hurt people, walked away from people and yet when they make a decision to do the same thing that you are doing they have well.........instant success! How do you act and react to a situation like this? Its easy to want to get all upset, mad and even yeah give the person the finger, LOL! But you know what I have found to be a true blueprint to a situation like this......You Bless Them! You thank the Good Lord that they are making the ground and soil GOOD! You see, its suppose to work together! The sun, when the clouds are not in the way, keeps us warm from a cold day and the clouds, when they are IN the way, keeps us from the brutal heat that we can experience. It was this combination that kept Israel while traveling in the wilderness. Dont get jealous of others, but bless them! Doesnt mean to Bless them OUT either! LOL. Believe this folks, God is not mocked, what you sew, you shall reap. Sew rejoicing and you will reap in due time rejoicing. Sew blessing and in due time you will reap Blessing! It is a universal law! So when someone looks like they have made a splash, instead of giving them the one finger salute, how about giving them all ten and applaud them! Have a great day everyone. Peace out, better yet, Peace within!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:50:51 +0000

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