Gordon #Duff, (Senior Editor of Veterans Today #VT) explained that - TopicsExpress


Gordon #Duff, (Senior Editor of Veterans Today #VT) explained that what is going on in #Iraq and #Syria with #ISIS is not #Terrorism, it is simply #CRIME. That is, it is the works of an international Crime #Cabal which has gotten control of the (#US) American Congress. Yes, this is a large Organized Crime problem that must be understood at its simple root cause. Duff identified this Crime #Cabal as #Israeli and pointed out that this is Worldwide Crime on a scale never experienced before. Gordon Duff was part of a Veterans Today Senior Staff Delegation that traveled to #Damascus and was in consultation with the Veterans Today Board and other like minded individuals within the American #Military and #Intelligence community and other such individuals from sixty-eight different nations around the World who were at the #Conference. Duff explained how the illegal Supreme Court Decision of Citizens United made it possible for an Israeli-American Organized crime magnate now operating out of Macao, Sheldon Adelson to essentially buy control of both Houses of Congress in the last election and being able to bring Congress under control of this International Crime Syndicate which specializes in human trafficking and narcotics. CONCLUSION: Obviously Gordon Duff and his team displayed great courage in attending this Conference in Damascus and deserve the highest commendations possible for this fine work representing the true interests of #peace for folks with no voice. When the dust settles time will show this speech will be a major turning point in the Criminal Cabal’s blatant abuse of the American People from their buying and hijacking of the US Congress and some American Generals with deep Intel connections and their abuse of millions around the World in many different nations, especially the Mideast. No criminal Cabal or conspiracy this large can exist without utmost secrecy, which no longer exists thanks to Duff’s keynote address and complete disclosure. Their crimes are now no longer secret and the “Jig is now up”. Thanks to Duff the Jig is about up for this International Israeli linked Crime Cabal, some have identified as the International #Zionist Crime Cabal (#IZCS) which has formed an alliance with the #Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) which is now being completely identified all over the Worldwide Internet. It is now realized by many that the BCC was formed when Bush1 ran the Assassination of #JFK and rose to power, able to deeply embed his operatives in the #CIA, the Military, Congress, the Department of Justice and the Judiciary. Now if anyone doubts that ISIS/Daish was set up under the Money Power of the International Zionist Crime Cabal (IZCS) operating out of Israel which has now gained Control of the US Congress, consider this. All ISIS/Daish wounded are taken to Israel for medical treatment, all expenses paid and those that can be are returned to Iraq or Syria to attack, torture, murder and asset strip innocent civilians, pretending to be Islamic Terrorists. This is all done in order to create mass confusion and to empower those governments that exist off the spoils of pushing solutions to their synthetic terrorism which is really nothing more than a massive Organized crime operation to make money and accrue more power. How do we know that the Criminal cabal has truly gained control over the US Congress. We now have actual specific evidence which has uncovered the Crime Cabal’s control over Congress through the use of large bribes and threats of assassination. It is now beyond obvious that the only way to deal with a such a large Criminal Cabal is to indict them, arrest them, fully prosecute them, and if convicted with clearly convincing evidence beyond any shadow of a doubt, then sentence them appropriately. If they have committed Treason, Sedition or other Capital offenses well, then upon conviction in a suitable court of law, US or International, they must be executed like the convicted Nazis from the Nuremberg War trials or the convicted Japanese from the International Military Tribunal for the Far East also known as the “Tokyo Trials” and in other courts in many different places in Asia and the Pacific. About 1,000 Japanese War criminals were executed after conviction and Twenty Nazi War criminals were executed after conviction. However, it is known inside high level Intel circles and by those who worked closely with OSS agents and operatives, that numerous American Army secret assassination teams were deployed in Europe to bring many uncharged Nazis to instant justice. Some teams operating under Presidential Orders were also deployed to Hawaii and Asia to bring “instant, extra-judicial justice” to many Japanese war criminals that avoided exposure and arrest. This whole Nuremberg Trial and Tokyo Trial process needs to be repeated against the Criminal Cabal and all their kingpins, Top Policy-Makers, political and Judicial puppets as well as all their operative and mass-murderers deployed on the ground as mercenaries for fat paychecks. Those who attempt to flee prosecution can be hunted down to the ends of the Earth if necessary. And the worst of all this is the ability of the Crime Cabal to use American Generals and a sitting US Senator to start up and run ISIS/ISIL/Daish. This is truly disgusting but there is actually even more to this story. Because the honest faction of the US Military is now targeting some ISIS positions, what we actually have now is a Secret American Civil War being fought in Iraq. And now China has offered military help to the Iraqi government. Unless John McCain is stopped in his rise to become Chairman of the Armed Service Committee, he may be able to exert serious pressure and be able to push America into another War in Iraq (maybe Syria, Iran and the Ukraine too) and his actions could trigger a nuclear WW3 with the Russian Federation and President Putin who has just about had enough. Hat’s off and Highest Commendations to Gordon Duff and his team of American Heroes who have now set the record straight and had the great courage necessary to publicly disclose, for the very first time anywhere, the true causes of ISIS/ISIL/Daish and have shown it to be a crime problem created by a large international Organized Crime Cabal. Now most of the World Security and Intel Units know the truth that has been hidden from them for many years by excess compartmentalizing and billions of dollars spent by the Crime cabal to control and prevent their access to this information. These Units now know with incredible clarity for the first who deploys synthetic terror, torture, mass-murder and asset-stripping in the Mideast and why. They now know it is being done to further the Crime Cabal’s goals and power. Source & read more > veteranstoday/2014/12/13/historic-speech-in-damascus-sends-shockwaves-around-the-world/
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:24:42 +0000

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