Gordon brown has a Homer Simpson Doh type moment as House of Lords - TopicsExpress


Gordon brown has a Homer Simpson Doh type moment as House of Lords say Devo Timetable unconstitutional so i guess the caption for the picture is OOPS I FORGOT ABOUT THEM even though Lord Prescott was up in Scotland at the same time and he never cracked a light about house of lords objecting..just goes to show you how low these bare faced liars will go to to scare Scotland in to voting no. In an act of desperation the NO campaign pushed Gordon Brown to the fore to announce a timetable for what they call “more powers” in the event of a NO vote. This supposedly iron clad timetable does not include at any point a second referendum that allows for the people in the rest of the UK to vote on whether Scotland should be granted more powers. However research from Business for Scotland has identified that according to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution, 24th Report of Session 2010–12, Gordon Brown’s cobbled together timetable would be unconstitutional. Let’s be clear, the House of Lords’ report states categorically that any further powers for Scotland should be subject to a UK -wide constitutional process, including the possibility of a UK-wide referendum. This means that the massive pool of MPs representing London and the South East, who benefit most from the union, effectively get a veto on whether or not to reform it. Ironically, just as honest attempts to reform the Westminster voting system and second chamber descended into dissatisfying fudge, so would further devolution for Scotland and Gordon Brown’s panicked announcement of an iron clad timetable disintegrate within days – much like most of the scare stories of the NO Camp. DONT HATE THE MEDIA BECOME THE MEDIA & SHARE FOR ALL YOUR WORTH GET INFORMED NOT SCARED VOTE YES SAOR ALBA businessforscotland.co.uk/uk-to-get-veto-on-gordon-browns-devo-proposals/?fb_action_ids=10204700060044047&fb_action_types=og.likes
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:37:06 +0000

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