!!!Gospel Perverter - TopicsExpress


!!!Gospel Perverter Alert!!! https://youtube/channel/UCDN3EV4y7F_L0cOVGWK00fw [4:4] For I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me. [4:5] Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God.--1Corinthians ESV [5:10] For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.--2Corinthians ESV [2:6] He will render to each one according to his works: [2:7] to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; [2:8] but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury.--Romans ESV [9:27] But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.--1Corinthians ESV There is just no way the good message this Inward Burn guy is proclaiming is the same Good Message the Bible is proclaiming. In his message there is no reason for people to endure till the end to be saved and receive the crown of life (Matthew 24:13; Revelation 2:10); there is no reason for the fact that we are BEING saved (1Corinthians 1:18; 2Corinthians 2:15), if its already a 100% guaranteed deal done in advance. If there ever was a time when people wouldnt endure sound doctrine but heaped upon themselves ear-tickling teachers (2Timothy 4:3) like this guy, this is it. You have to be one deluded mess to have read the whole Bible front to back and buy into this mess of doctrine. Sadly this is almost everyone professing Christ today. It would really help for people to study Church history and see that for the first few centuries of Christianity before Nicea, nobody in the orthodox Church was preaching this no-cost-to-count gospel. Some of these writers had direct ties to the Apostles or to those who knew them. Somehow everyone was on the same page that only he who does what is right is righteous, he who sins is of the devil, he who endures in the will of God till the end will be saved, and not everyone who trusts in the cross to cleanse sin and claims Jesus as their Lord will be saved. The only guys who came even remotely close to what guys like this are preaching was the Gnostics, who were clearly known as heretics by everyone who was really following Christ. But somehow we had to wait around 2000 years to find out they had it right all along. Its quite unbelievable. Its just so obvious that this false gospel appeals so much to the selfish flesh. Under this delusion you can have a free ride and a pie in the sky when you die. You can live your whole life as a selfish wretch in bondage to your perverted fleshly lusts, you dont have to be a living sacrifice and follow Christs example, and after its all said in done, God will take you to Canadas Wonderland in heaven and you can party for eternity. No wonder the evil masses flock to this stuff. Who wouldnt? If I didnt care about denying my fleshly appetites and following God in Spirit and in Truth, Id be on the same path as them, because it would be so easy and I could do whatever the heck I want and spend eternity in bliss after too. Who out there who doesnt care about loving God and man truthfully in fidelity wouldnt be drawn into this message? Im too lazy to keep trying to stop my sin, its just easier to make up this phony sin nature that forces me to sin all the time, so I can have an excuse that I just cant do it or help it, but because God is so great Ill have a false humility that goes against all right reason and admit that Im a sinner, and now God will cut me some slack, ignore all my evil that I do over and over because his Son paid for it, and now I can keep wallowing in the filth I so love like a dog till the day I die and mess myself up and this world more and more till God comes to fix it, and after I God will change me, take away my free will and make me a holy robot in his Kingdom that will actually love doing good and not sinning always, and Ill be rewarded with eternal pain free bliss, no suffering, just eternal happiness. JACKPOT FOR THE DEPRAVED CARNALLY MINDED MAN! I can be at enmity with God for the rest of my life, indulge in my sinful passions, and then in the end he will reward me by making me one of his rich spoiled children in his mansion in the sky! Modern day mainstream Christianity is the LARGEST RELIGION IN THE WORLD, and it is the FASTEST GROWING RELIGION (its not Islam, thats a lie, check the true statistics). You keep preaching this crap and youll soon get almost the whole world to become Christian! Of course the NARROW Way that FEW EVEN FIND that one has to STRIVE to enter to have eternal life that Bible talks about becomes meaningless. Its just a standard to show everyones unworthiness. Its not an actual standard that is the mandatory condition for one to become part of Gods family, like the Bible SO PLAINLY SHOWS. You really have to trash your God given reasoning abilities, ignore you conscience, and just give yourself to a carnal debased mindset to warp the Bible into this gospel of SELF. And thats what it is, a gospel of SELF--WICKED PERVERTED SELF. Tony @ theloveofthetruth.weebly
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 10:36:04 +0000

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