Gospel Reading at home today " Acceptance We can not let anyone - TopicsExpress


Gospel Reading at home today " Acceptance We can not let anyone decide how we will act . If one opts for the ingratitude , we must not hurt or leave us dragging by vengeful attitudes . if another has a mediocre performance , one must accept that each is a particular evolutionary stage and therefore only giving what you have. We who decide how to " act" , should not " react " but accept others exactly as it is and proceed also accepting what we are doing and everything we believe to be good and suitable for us . Acceptance is a characteristic of the great men of humanity , they have learned to respect the evolutionary laws in themselves and in others. Jesus Christ - the Physician of Souls - not only looks outward symptoms , but wants inner transformation , the change of the human being . In the background, immature creatures want immediate cure for their ailments , but not aspiring to superficial changes . Require , without any effort , that blessings come upon their childish whims or desires precipitates ; want to " pay a price " bargain for the development and spiritual growth . That price is not paid for with self -delusion , with attitudes of victimization or self-pity , but with behavior change inside. Christ possessed extensive knowledge of that evolution is an infinite spiral and each achieves a " landscape existential " according to the position in which it lies. Physical healing can be a means , but only full acknowledgment is the end . " ( ... ) There is steady progress which results from the nature of things . ( ... ) The moral revolutions as social revolutions , infiltrate little by little the ideas and germinate during the centuries , suddenly burst and make collapsing the building rotting from the past that is no longer in harmony with the needs and new aspirations ( ... ) " Only one who accepted the change of attitudes is that we can consider actually cured , because only the inner transformation is that we can take to gradually cycles perverse imbalances that generate inner sickness of body and human afflictions . " Hammed - The Pleasures of the Soul The torments volunteers 23. Man lives constantly in search of happiness , who also runs her incessantly because unalloyed happiness is not found on Earth . However , despite the vicissitudes that form the inevitable procession of earthly life , he could at least enjoy relative happiness, if not sought in things perishable and subject to the same vicissitudes , that is, the material pleasures instead of seeking the pleasures of the soul , which are a foretaste of heavenly joys , imperishable , instead of seeking the peace of the heart, only real happiness in this world , he is eager to show all that stir and displeasure , and , singular thing ! man as that of intent, creates for himself torments that are in your hands to avoid. There will be larger than those derived from envy and jealousy ? For the envious and jealous, there is no rest ; febricitantes are perpetually . What it does have , and others because they have insomnia . Vertigo give them the successes of its rivals ; whole emulation , for them , comes down to eclipse the closest to them , all the joy in exciting , in that they resemble the foolishness , anger jealousy that devours . Poor foolish indeed not even imagine that , maybe tomorrow , will have to drop all those whose greed frioleiras them poisons life ! Not to them , certainly , that apply these words : " Blessed are those who mourn , for they shall be comforted ," since their concerns are not those who have deserved compensation in the sky . Who torments the contrary, it saves one who knows content with what you have, what grade without envy what does not, that does not look seem more than it is. This is always rich , because if you look down and not up , always see creatures that have less than him. And quiet, why not create for themselves chimeric needs . And there will be a happiness calm amid the storms of life ? - Fenelon . ( Lyons , 1860 . The Gospel According to Spiritism cap . V
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 13:59:59 +0000

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