Gospel Reading at home today Depression Repair is the act - TopicsExpress


Gospel Reading at home today Depression Repair is the act to offset or compensate damage we have caused , not only to others but also to ourselves , through postures and unjust . We need to repair the deceptions we had to ourselves , to indemnify us against the shocks that we promote our own convictions and to compensate us of disloyalty to our way of being and with our inner values . We should be aware of how much we were giving up our feelings , thoughts , emotions and needs in favor of someone , only to receive approval and consideration. How often asfixiamos and deny our emotions on events that hurt us deeply. Relegate this part of us and ignore it can become quite nasty and destructive in our lives . Living the right to feel our emotions amounts to be honest with ourselves . They help us in the process of self-discovery and are linked to important structures of our mental life , as cognitive thoughts and our intuitions . The habit of rejecting often emotional energies make us lose the ability to feel properly , and without the interpretation of feelings , we can not promote the repair of our faults . Emotions are not wrong or sinful , they are not the acts themselves as feeling anger is very different from committing brutality . Admitting them and submitting them to our code of ethical values , our intellect and our reason , well command them conveniently , as the result of the repression of our emotional reactions will be a progressive trends depressive states . If these emotions ( anger or fear ) are morally judged as negative , they can be transformed into feelings of guilt , leading us to a self-condemnation . When repressed or say , even when not expressed conveniently accepted , we will deny distorting the facts , not to become aware . Both the systematic repression as the compulsive negative judgments of these natural emotions generate depression . Repair our faults with ourselves and others happy is the formula to avoid suffering . Hammed - The Pains of the Soul The torments volunteers 23. Man lives constantly in search of happiness , who also runs her incessantly because unalloyed happiness is not found on Earth . However , despite the vicissitudes that form the inevitable procession of earthly life , he could at least enjoy relative happiness, if not sought in things perishable and subject to the same vicissitudes , that is, the material pleasures instead of seeking the pleasures of the soul , which are a foretaste of heavenly joys , imperishable , instead of seeking the peace of the heart, only real happiness in this world , he is eager to show all that stir and displeasure , and , singular thing ! man as that of intent, creates for himself torments that are in your hands to avoid. There will be larger than those derived from envy and jealousy ? For the envious and jealous, there is no rest ; febricitantes are perpetually . What it does have , and others because they have insomnia . Vertigo give them the successes of its rivals ; whole emulation , for them , comes down to eclipse the closest to them , all the joy in exciting , in that they resemble the foolishness , anger jealousy that devours . Poor foolish indeed not even imagine that , maybe tomorrow , will have to drop all those whose greed frioleiras them poisons life ! Not to them , certainly , that apply these words : Blessed are those who mourn , for they shall be comforted , since their concerns are not those who have deserved compensation in the sky . Who torments the contrary, it saves one who knows content with what you have, what grade without envy what does not, that does not look seem more than it is. This is always rich , because if you look down and not up , always see creatures that have less than him. And quiet, why not create for themselves chimeric needs . And there will be a happiness calm amid the storms of life ? - Fenelon . ( Lyons , 1860 . The Gospel According to Spiritism cap . V
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 10:26:54 +0000

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