Gospel Reading at home today place of birth (Chapter 10 - - TopicsExpress


Gospel Reading at home today place of birth (Chapter 10 - II.) Why is it that usually analyze the ethical conduct of men only by theological aspect and discard scientific justification supported in nature? Heraclitus of Ephesus, a wise Greek philosopher, gave us a full maximum of meaning: In the river you can not step twice in the same place. So considering, we would say that there really will play twice in the same river not only because of the dynamics of the course of the waters, but also because we see differently. We are not today what we were yesterday or will be tomorrow and what we are now; We became dynamically over steps or stages of spiritual enhancement. Nature does nothing in series. Every person has an innate tendency to be herself. The progress of the soul can, in terms, be compared with the physical growth. When we look at the body of a child, we know that everything she needs is the right time to reach your full physical and emotional development. Also, when we meet another human being at any stage of its cycle evolution, we need to respect their naturalness, since every creature is interning in a certain degree of inner perfection. Referring to march of progress, thus manifested the Benevolent Entities:. Man develops himself, naturally But not all progress at the same time and in the same way it is then that more advanced help the progress of others, through social contact. Constantly confuse two fundamental concepts of biology - the natural and the normal. The definition of non-natural, natural, normal, abnormal, paranormal undergoes significant changes through time in each people or nation. If we take a regular guy who is completely free of trauma, emotional maladjustment or intimate difficulties, certainly not find normal creatures. In fact, the normal does not exist, and the sooner we realize this more will enjoy and participate in the world of birth. Incidentally, it is important recall that the human mind, over time, using its reflection capacity: reestuda ducts, reworks values and concepts changes before taken as absolute, relative to. Let us remember that the Sowers of Good News answered Kardec. Man develops himself, of course is not necessary to force the evolutionary capacity of the human being. For centuries, man spends a huge effort in the search for some permanent solution to understand the behavioral differences of human beings, is a chain of chromosomes, in psychological research, an analysis of hypothalamus, is a Bible verse. Why is it that usually analyze the ethical conduct of men only by theological aspect and discard scientific justification supported in Nature? Note that the theological arguments often become difficult to understand when we put ourselves in countries or continents whose inhabitants have different cultures and traditions and follow our other philosophical and religious systems. If we examine the populations of the planet with an empathetic view through principles of Nature - see them from the point of view of themselves - for sure would understand better the diversity of trends, social customs, and acts of human attitudes. Not only in religion but also in nature - Gods creation in action - we should look for answers to understand inequality behavior of the individuals. All notion of the world is temporary. When we freeze the design of something or someone, distort reality. Nothing is static. Evolution is dynamic. The current world seeks to standardize people without realizing that nature itself is against standardization, because it then seeks to preserve the harmony of creation, maintaining the diversity among living beings. We are also Nature; all have particular characteristics. Although there are many common skills in us, the peculiarity is a divine stamp printed in the immortal soul. Want to be like everyone else is a very strange and contradictory to live. We can not translate the internal by what we see in the external. We bring in our intimacy only a singularity. We are all different, and the success of a full life is express ourselves to the world using our originality. The Cosmic Intelligence has endowed us, since creation of gifts and talents needed to give to the universe our equity share. The biggest task for us on Earth is of course accept the current evolutionary condition and accomplish expressing our true identity as children of God in growth, designed to fulfill the divine plan that he devised for each of us to process. The Pleasures of the Soul - Hammed cap. 10 The spiritual life is, indeed, true life, the normal life of the Spirit His earthly life is transitory and fleeting, a kind of death, compared to the splendor of the spiritual life and activity the body:..s A rough garment, temporarily involves the Spirit, the true chain that holds the earthly plot, and from which he is happy to break loose. The Gospel According to Spiritism cap. XXIII
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:25:09 +0000

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