Gospel Reflection for Sunday, 8/11: Luke 12:32-48 “Do not be - TopicsExpress


Gospel Reflection for Sunday, 8/11: Luke 12:32-48 “Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) What a wonderful promise! God delights in giving us his kingdom—in taking us to be with him forever. But before we see this promise realized, there is a lot of waiting. The Israelites knew God would defeat their enemies, but they had to wait out many plagues before Pharaoh finally let them go. God promised Abraham a son, but look how long his childlessness stretched on before Isaac was born. Similarly, we know that Jesus will knock at our door one day to take us to his side, but until then, we have to hold on to our faith. It’s good to know that we are not waiting in the dark with no idea of what it will be like when the kingdom comes. Because of Jesus’ cross and resurrection, the kingdom has already begun to unfold in our world and in our hearts. We get a glimpse of it every time we gather to worship the Lord. We see it in the least of his people, whose needs tug at our hearts. We feel it when we forgive someone who has wronged us, and when we receive forgiveness from someone we have hurt. So don’t hesitate to invest in God’s kingdom. Choose every day to live as you want to live when it comes in all its fullness. As you do, something wonderful and surprising happens: Jesus Christ, your King, sits you down and waits on you! He honors you for helping someone when you could just as easily have turned away. He congratulates you for turning the other cheek and not seeking revenge. He rewards you for caring for his beloved poor. God is never outdone in generosity. He has promised you the kingdom, and he delivers on that promise every day! “Father, thank you for calling me to live in your kingdom. I place my heart into your keeping, for you are my only treasure.” Readings: usccb.org/bible/readings/081113.cfm
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 13:56:36 +0000

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