Got any advice for todays Trouble Thursday? TEXT: - TopicsExpress


Got any advice for todays Trouble Thursday? TEXT: 0877102103 ********* Hi Just writing a quick email to see if you can help me out or if anyone has had the same situation as me? I can’t stand my sister in law! My older brother is married about 10 years – he has 2 kids, who are lovely, but I just cannot get on with his wife. Since they have been married they have lived in Dublin, but htey are moving down home in the next month and I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do. I usually only see her 4 or 5 times a year, but once they are down at home, they will be living with my mother (just down the road from me). I find her really ignorant, totally selfish and lazy and really really opinionated! She never lifts a finger to help my mother when they stayed with her and at Christmas, it was all I could do from taking the head off her. She is very loud and totally has a favourite child, her other child can nothing right and she is constantly talking down to people – she is a total pig! My mother says that she’s my brothers wife, she makes him happy and to just suck it up – but I’m afraid when they move down home (they are trying to sell their house in Dublin and before they buy/ rent a place at home they are moving in with my mother) I think they are going to take the p*ss – what should I do – should I say something or do I just avoid my mothers house? My mother is going to be wrecked from cleaning up and cooking for them and I really think she is too old for that kind of nonsense. Any advice would be appreciated. Niamh
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 11:49:56 +0000

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