Got the Spirit of God? Busy doing nothing has become the job - TopicsExpress


Got the Spirit of God? Busy doing nothing has become the job description of many of us who profess Jesus Christ as Lord & Saviour. Were even busier than the bees, yet weve got nothing doing for the advancement of our LORDS COMMAND & COMMISSION given us in clear terms. This intentional inactivity truly questions our spirituality in no little way. This is so as none ever received the Spirit of God without witnessing to its power to the wooing of others in darkness & spiritual ignorance to experience same (Acts 1:8; 5:32). Though posting & sharing of other happenings are not bad in themselves, they ought not to be given all the attention given them by believers charged with the gospel proclamation for the salvation of souls. Weve got socialise as social being we are, but not lose sight of the great task assigned to us by the Almighty at the expense of humanitys salvation. Lets wake up.& arise from our spiritual slumber for time has run out of our hands, beloved. We have numerous prophetic counsels to lean on in the Scriptures & from other inspired writings. The backing & support for gospel success is ours (Matt 28:19-20). Get more compelling counsel from the servant of God here: Of equal importance with special public efforts is house-to-house work in the homes of the people. In large cities there are certain classes that cannot be reached by public meetings. These must be searched out as the shepherd searches for his lost sheep. Diligent, personal effort must be put forth in their behalf. When personal work is neglected, many precious opportunities are lost, which, were they improved, would advance the work decidedly.— Testimonies for the Church 9:111. Deeds as well as words of sympathy are needed. Christ prefaced the giving of His message by deeds of love and benevolence. Let these workers go from house to house, helping where help is needed, and, as opportunity offers, telling the story of the cross. Christ is to be their text. They need not dwell upon doctrinal subjects; let them speak of the work and sacrifice of Christ. Let them hold up His righteousness, in their lives revealing His purity.—Testimonies for the Church 7:228. God is no respecter of persons. He will use humble, devoted Christians, even if they have not received so thorough an education as some others. Let such ones engage in service for Him by doing house-to-house work. Sitting by the fireside, they can—if humble, discreet, and godly—do more to meet the real needs of families than could an ordained minister.—Testimonies for the Church 7:21. May you make yourself available to be used of God today that it may be well with you, & be given the needed ability to do exploits for King Jesus Christ to the liberation of perishing souls. Have a sweet experience with the LORD & be favoured always.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 06:22:51 +0000

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