Got this email today (and everyday) regarding Turning Texas Blue! - TopicsExpress


Got this email today (and everyday) regarding Turning Texas Blue! Exciting, but then I thought about it......This email talks about how the Latino vote will be a deciding factor in the election. Its true! and that makes me sad...... Makes me sad because the conversation should be how the BLACK and LATINO vote should make the difference. It is SIN and a SHAME that we are so apathetic in using our right to vote that we are not even being considered as a force in the election! Feeling blown off? You should..... I have news though........IF YOU WAKE UP RIGHT NOW, YOU WILL GET THE THING YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED AS A PEOPLE......RESPECT!! Arent you tired of being disrespected? READ BELOW********************************************** Georgette, demographics don’t lie: Texas is trending blue. The steady growth of the Latino population—and the rapid shift of the Latino population from Democratic-leaning to solidly Democratic—is turning Texas from red to purple. And if Democrats can win in Texas, Republicans have no plausible path to the White House. Turning Texas to a purple state is going to require a strong Democratic netroots—a place for progressive activists to read the news and form an activist community statewide. Thankfully, Texas Democrats have the Burnt Orange Report. The Burnt Orange Report is looking to launch a new version of the site to make it bigger and better, which is exactly what we need in the long-term fight to turn Texas blue. Keep fighting, Chris Bowers, Daily Kos
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:17:24 +0000

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