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Got this from a close friend: [心脏搭桥大夫要失业了 打通血管血栓绝密配方」 一位居住在伦敦的人的亲身经历,他去巴基斯坦开会的时候,突然胸口剧痛,后来被医院验出来,他的三条心血管已经被严重堵塞,需要做搭桥手术。手术的时间是一个月以后,在这个期间,他去看一位 回教国家古法治疗师。 这位 Hakim让他自己在家中做一个食疗,他吃了一个月。一个月后他去同一家医院做检查,发现三条血管干干净净,原来堵塞的地方已经全通了。他是一位虔诚的回教徒,为了让更多的人受益,他把自己的经验放在网上分享,他的前后两张血管照片也放了在网上,在照片中,服用食疗之前与之后的分别连普通人也看得出来。 材料: 一个半柠檬 二大块姜 三头蒜 一小瓶苹果醋 做法: 1,蒜头去皮,姜去皮切小片,一起放入榨汁机榨汁,或者放入搅拌器打成浆,用网布隔渣,手绞出汁。 2,将蒜头、姜汁放入瓦煲,加入柠檬汁与苹果醋,大火滚,小火慢煮,不要盖锅盖,让水份蒸发,大约需要半小时,剩下大约一半汁液。 3,温度降下后,加入蜜糖,仔细搅匀,蜜糖需要很多,主要是令汁液容易入口。 将成品存在有盖的玻璃瓶中,放入雪柜。每天早饭前空肚服用一汤匙。 吃上一个月以后去医院做次检查,会发现血管干干净净,堵塞的地方已经全通了。 必须存!必须转! 打通血管绝密配方,给亲爱的人试试! [Formula to clear the heart vascular thrombosis " The experience of a person who lives in London, when he went to meet Pakistan, he suffered sudden chest pain, test conducted by hospital shows his three cardiovascular were so badly clogged, bypass surgery needs to be done. Surgery time is a month, during this period, he went to see a therapist Muslim ancient law expert who taught him a diet. Hakim was at home by himself with the diet, he ate for a month. A month later, he went to check at the same hospital & found the three arteries were no longer clogged. He is a devout Muslim, to enable more people to benefit from, sharing his own experiences on the Web, his two blood vessels before and after photographs are put on the Web, in the photos, taking diet before and after even the average person can tell, respectively. Material: A half lemon A chunk ginger 3 cloves of garlic A small bottle of Apple Cider vinegar Practice: 1) peel garlic & ginger, cut into small pieces, into juicer juice together or put in Blender, with a net cloth screening, hand wring out juice. 2) put the garlic & ginger juice into a pot, add the lemon juice and Apple Cider vinegar, high heat to bring to boil then switch to low heat to simmer, do not cover the lid, let the moisture evaporate, it takes about half an hour. Half the juice should be left in the pot. 3) turn off the heat. add honey, stir carefully & slowly, honey makes it easier to drink. Put drink in a glass jar with a lid in the refrigerator. A spoonful to be taken before breakfast daily on an empty stomach. After consumption for a month the clogged blood vessels should be cleared.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 08:49:05 +0000

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