Got this from a forum..... Very good read. Campaigns of Slander - TopicsExpress


Got this from a forum..... Very good read. Campaigns of Slander (“The Blackening”) (first published 10 November 2012 at 22:13) The blackening of some ones character to suit a personal or political agenda is a cruel practice. The blackening has an ancient presence in Irish history yet it seems sadly that it is most prevalent today within Republicanism. In Ed Maloney’s book “Voices from the Grave” Brendan Hughes explains how Adams and Co. effectively deployed “the blackening” to remove the old guard leadership of the Republican movement. Adams in particular chose to use the blackening of opponents or even possible opponents for self promotion and this concealed his intentions for the movement he hi-jacked in the early 1980’s until it was completely broken. All a successful blackening requires is a human being capable of error. These errors will be seized upon, embellished, added to urban myths or down right lies. They will be spread quietly socially and through networks of friends. The accused will most likely remain oblivious to the whispering campaign of slander waged against their name until it is much too late for them to raise a defence. Within a fairly short time frame that persons character will have been robbed from them, their name will have been irreversibly tarnished and therefore their Republican being will have been rendered obsolete. Innocent of any charge and no longer of any use to the Republican movement a Revolutionary becomes a social pariah. In the history of Republicanism the Blackening appears in the old Volunteers constitution. The constitution directs that any Volunteer engaged in Campaigns of Slander against others and therefore sapping morale will be deemed guilty of treason. This mention not only conveys the severity of the crime but it exhibits something more interesting. The mid 1940’s to the mid 1950’s proved a horrendous decade of tribulation for the Republican movement, schism, split division etc. a movement emerging from almost defeat but tentatively rebuilding for a new dawn and around split and schism, in amongst all confusion and despondency is the Blackening. This is why in the revised Volunteers constitution which first included General Order Number 8 General Order 13 deals with campaigns of slander. There is no excuse for anyone besmirching another’s name. Allegations and accusations, back talk and slanderous whispers are the toys of evil doers. Why would Republicans engage in talk of others when there are more immediate issues to discuss? Is it not uncomforting to hear a Republican spreading malicious gossip about another Republican? Why would this occur? For what purpose? It could not be for a Republican purpose because Republicanism requires all of its participants to succeed. Why would one Republican feel the need to undermine another or render their presence unworthy? Envy is a terrible illness. It infects those whose positions are built on self imposed delusions of grandeur. These delusions are the product of insecurity. An existence dependent on delusions of grandeur will have forgotten insecurity as its foundation and a pervasive elitism will be expressed as concealment. Those who present themselves as beyond error to conceal their capacity for error, or mighty to prevent them being exposed as weak have a needless but burdening secret affecting their thought process. When they see a being contently displaying their human capacity to err in order to be at one with revolution then these people must close it down in fear they are exposed. Or envious that someone has skill or potential beyond theirs they will level ridicule against them. Terrified in the presence of beings who refuse to recognise elitism through humility the slander begins. A revolutionary existence is usually a solitary experience and therefore the insecure who depend on pack assembly to survive can effectively attack at will turning a solitary figure in to an icon of ridicule or a social pariah. When someone is attempting to denigrate the character of someone you have never met ask your self Why? If the person is involved in Republicanism and guilty of the things they are being accused of then unless you are the investigating body then you have no need to know and nobody has a need to inform you. Advise the person doing the blackening to contact the relevant republican authority with their concerns. If you weren’t there; you don’t know. If you don’t know the person you are being trained to hate then someone presenting themselves as your friend is emotionally manipulating you in to assisting their agenda. Is that agenda the product of envy or something more sinister? Why would someone view you as too weak to captain your own mind? Confront injustice always. Become a Revolutionary by thinking Revolution. “Republican Integrity”
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 12:55:31 +0000

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