Gotham TV Series - Season 1 Episode 3 The Balloonman - Video - TopicsExpress


Gotham TV Series - Season 1 Episode 3 The Balloonman - Video Review Gotham TV Series - Season 1 Episode 3 The Balloonman - Video Review Detectives James Gordon and Harvey Bullock track down a vigilante who is targeting corrupt citizens of Gotham City and strapping them to weather balloons - his latest victim being a rich con man named Ronald Danzer. Renee Montoya and Crispus Allen question James Gordon about what really happened to Oswald Cobblepot. Meanwhile, Oswald Cobblepot returns to Gotham City in order to get revenge on Fish Mooney. He starts by getting a job at Mafia Don Sal Maronis restaurant where he makes himself look presentable, even being befriended by the Don himself. The vigilante (now called Balloonman by the newspapers) strikes again when he targets corrupt GCPD member Lt. Bill Cranston. Harvey Bullock and James Gordon later trace the remaining missing balloons to Carl Smickers apartment where they suspect him of being Balloonman. Fish Mooney arranges for an accident to happen to Carmine Falcones comare Natalia. Harvey Bullock interrogates Carl Smickers where he mentions that he never saw the face of the person who he gave the remaining balloons to. After the death of Cardinal Quinn and finding something in the body of Lt. Bill Cranston (after it fell back to Earth onto a passing woman), James Gordon has an idea on who Balloonman is. The form had the keys to Davis Lamonds (Dan Bakkedahl) apartment as he reveals to Sarah Essen that he suspects Lamond to be the Balloonman. Upon arriving at the old juvenile facility, James Gordon and Harvey Bullock find one of the balloons, only to end up ambushed by Davis Lamond who holds Harvey Bullock at gunpoint while mentioning the crimes of Ronald Danzer, Bill Cranston, and Cardinal Quinn. He further reveals it is corruption like Mayor James plan to relocate non-adoptable street kids to a prison that ultimately drove him to become the Balloonman. In a momentary lapse of concentration, Harvey gets free from Davis Lamonds hold and manages to attach the final weather balloon to Lamond with the intention of releasing the balloon so it may rise and burst once it reaches the atmosphere, effectively sentencing Lamond to the same death his own three victims suffered. James Gordon grabs onto the balloon however, and orders Harvey to shoot the balloon. Harvey insists Gordon simply releases Lamond, as he deserves what is coming to him, but Gordon refuses and Harvey is forced to shoot the balloon, resulting in James Gordon and Davis Lamond landing on the roof of a van. Before Davis Lamond is loaded into an ambulance, he warns Gordon that there will be more vigilantes to follow in his path. Moments later, James Gordon tells Barbara that the citys is sick in a way that he hasnt realized while mentioning how specific members of Gotham Citys government are guilty. After the conversation, Jim Gordon hears a knock at the door of his home, only to discover he has received a surprise visit from Oswald Cobblepot.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:37:43 +0000

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