Gotta be at work in just short of two hours. Had about a ten - TopicsExpress


Gotta be at work in just short of two hours. Had about a ten minute nap all day. Work till Noon tomorrow. Know what? Im glad I do. Glad I have a job. Albeit retail, I have encountered some great people (colleagues and customers alike), learned a lot about life and myself, and at the end of the day, my bills are paid. Thankful for my job. I have one of the most dysfunctional families on the planet. That said, theyve taught me some valuable core lessons and morals that I carry to this day and will until the end of my time here. Thankful for my family and the love theyve given me. I want to strangle my friends on a daily basis. Theyve been there for me in many situations with invaluable support, caring and love that I needed dearly. Thankful for my friends. -Prepare for sappyness- Nobody knows how to work my nerves like my girlfriend... she knows the exact buttons to push at the right times and it makes me beyond aggravated sometimes. That said, I would be completely lost in this world without her. She has shown me the true meaning of faith, dedication and loyalty. The unconditional love she gives me on a daily basis is of a caliber that I am unworthy of receiving. I pray each day for the guidance to become the man that you deserve to spend your life with. Thank you for never giving up on me, laughing, crying, cheering and everything between with me. I couldnt ask for anyone better to spend the rest of my life with. Thankful for my girlfriend. If youve made it this far, congratulations. Now to you. I am incredibly thankful for you. The person reading this. Each and every one of you have impacted my life and molded me into the man that I am today. Thank you for that. I wouldnt be where I am today without you being where you were when we met. Love you all, and wish that youve had a very, very Happy Thanksgiving. Remember, go easy on the porcelain throne, its not often it has the workload of today.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 03:21:14 +0000

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