Gotta love parenting 0.o Yelling Toddlers crave a reaction - TopicsExpress


Gotta love parenting 0.o Yelling Toddlers crave a reaction from their parents, even a bad one. Take away the payoff. Silently count to ten, take deep breaths, and remind yourself that youre the grown-up. Losing your cool can have long-term effects: Researchers at Oregon State University found that parents who anger easily and overreact are more likely to have toddlers who do the same. Empty Threats If you tell your screeching child that youre going to turn off the TV, switch it off. If you warn him that hell get a time-out the next time he yells at you, follow through -- quietly, quickly, and without emotion. Consistency is key: If your kid knows what is coming when he has a fit, he is less likely to do it. Ignoring Children are feeling helpless when theyre having a tantrum, so ignoring them is like abandoning them in their moment of weakness, says Dr. Gold. In a calm voice, say, Go ahead, Im going to sit here with you until youre done. The idea is to contain your childs anger, not make it go away.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:54:49 +0000

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