Gotta splain to everybody why it is I say I dont do holidays. They - TopicsExpress


Gotta splain to everybody why it is I say I dont do holidays. They involve children or people with close contact to children during the school year. That means that what ever is going around, I will get exposed to via the child. I dont catch colds...I catch pneumonia. My body cant take much more so my family knows that the very day school starts, I start my winter reclusion until school lets out. The biggest risks I take is having to go to the grocery store. I dont even like seeing the doctor because of the shared air space. Im not being rude. Im trying to stay on my feet. I dont just have emphysema, my spine is melting? well thats what I call it. I go to physical therapy during the summer but because of the same reasons Ive mentioned, I have to stop soon after school starts. During the winter, I begin to slow down. If I step out when the cold wind in blowing, I struggle to breathe all the next day. Theres always a price to pay. Because I cant get outside and do as much work as in the summer, Im not getting enough exercise so by about January, Im pushing to get myself upright and walk at the same time. Im becoming so well known to the girls at the physical therapy, they know that when I first come back in the spring, I cant stand upright. A couple visits with them and youd never know I had a problem...well except for the funny limp when my hip just up and flies out of socket. It does get aggravating. Last winter, about January, I felt myself losing it again and decided I wasnt going to let it get so out of hand. I couldnt quite get upright so I started walking back and forth in the kitchen, using the cabinet and stove to keep my balance while I took a step and pushed myself upward, trying to at least take 3 strides upright, all while yelling at myself UP! I later discovered I had turned on the oven without realizing it and had no idea how long it had been on. Of course, I lectured myself on wasting propane. :) So anyway, its bad on my back to recluse myself during the winter but its even worse on my lungs not to. Catch 22
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 20:48:54 +0000

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