Gov. Deval Patrick plans Wednesday morning to sign omnibus - TopicsExpress


Gov. Deval Patrick plans Wednesday morning to sign omnibus legislation aimed at reducing gun violence in Massachusetts. An invitation being circulated Monday pointed to a 10 a.m. bill-signing ceremony at the Grand Staircase on the second floor of the State House. A Patrick aide confirmed the bill will be signed at that time. Lawmakers in late July agreed on final details of the bill (H 4376), which received support from both gun control advocacy groups and the Massachusetts Gun Owners Action League. The National Rifle Association opposed the bill prior to its passage, telling lawmakers “it isnt difficult to imagine” ways for government officials to abuse discretionary licensing powers granted under the legislation. The bill lays out a “suitability” process for police to petition the courts to deny a firearm identification card needed to use a shotgun or rifle, authorizes licensed gun dealers to access criminal offender record information, and increases the fine for failure to report a lost or stolen firearm. The bill also establishes penalties for gun dealers who fail to report a lost or stolen weapon. Patrick has been clearing his desk of the thicket of bills sent to him by the Legislature in late July, when formal sessions ended for 2014. On Friday, Patrick signed legislation aimed at combating domestic violence (S 2334) and governing retainage payments on certain private construction projects (S 2271). An environmental bond bill, title-clearing legislation, and job creation bill await the governor’s signature, according to the governor’s website. The gun bill requires the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services to create an online portal for private sales, a proposal that bill supporters say will ensure that secondary sales are subject to proper monitoring and information sharing without placing an additional burden on gun owners. dotnews/2014/gov-patrick-sign-gun-bill-wednesday
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 03:53:49 +0000

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