Governing Gone Haywire When a body of the govt. such as - TopicsExpress


Governing Gone Haywire When a body of the govt. such as Congress, begins to turn its back on the people and begins to make laws which benefit ONLY themselves, I.e., pay raises when the rest of America struggles to just eat and keep a roof over their heads, or to keep their salaries after their retirement, it is time to make sweeping changes. Are they above the law? Laws are for everyone and when a very small segment of people attempt to put themselves above those laws, that constitutes a crime. The Constitution is explicit in how a govt. should act and nothing in that document gives any branch of the govt. the right to put itself above the law, which is exactly what Congress has done. They have given themselves raise after raise, made a law guaranteeing that they receive FULL salary after retirement irregardless of the length of time in office, allowed themselves privileges which, if a citizen took advantage of, would be illegal, such as insider trading. Congressmen are supposed to be representatives of the people, but today most of them represent only themselves and not their constituents. They receive perks and presents, free trips and money from lobbyists who represent large corporations. By doing this they have enabled laws to be passed which benefit only the megacorporations and which ultimately cause problems to the same people which they supposedly represent. To be a congressman today means power and privileges. It no longer is for the people. They pander to liberals, ignore the majority and do deals without the knowledge of anyone. The time is at hand, in fact almost too late, to remove them from office and put others in place who WILL do the bidding of their constituents and obey the law as everyone else must do. Those who are currently in office need to be investigated and if laws have been broken, to be convicted and sent to prison if warranted. The time has arrived to make a clean sweep in Washington and to return the govt to the people. The word representative means that they speak FOR the people and that they exist at the behest of those who voted them into office. They DO NOT represent the megacorporations! They are there to do the will of the people. If they dont represent the wants of the citizens, vote them out and put in office those who are willing to do so. It is YOUR govt., not the corporations! Remove them, impeach them, and if they warrant it, convict them! And start with Obama bin Laden!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:01:44 +0000

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