Government Conspiracy Lindsey Williams spoke with his elitist - TopicsExpress


Government Conspiracy Lindsey Williams spoke with his elitist friend again and was told secretive, startling NEW information! Using charts, diagrams, and video-revelations, Lindsey explains his new conversation: 2010 economics and beyond, Dubai World - Derivatives, Food, but No money, One World China, War, and 30-50% inflation. Illuminati History From the three DVDs taped during January 2010 called, The Elite Speak, by Lindsey Williams. Lindsey Williams spoke with his elitist friend again and was told secretive startling NEW information! Using charts, diagrams, and video-revelations, Lindsey explains his new conversation. Topics covered include: No shortage of food but food price inflation will be so high many Americans will not be able to afford it. Oil price will track the decline/devaluation of the USD. US dollar will be devalued min 30%, max 50%. The elite do not want the USD to crash overnight but to gradually lose value. They are concerned that the sheeple will revolt should the USD collapses suddenly. It will be like a slow boiling of the frog in the pot. Nevertheless, the USD will be totally destroyed within 2 years (by 2012). Gold and silver (and hard assets) are to be trusted instead of fiat paper currencies. Gold and silver prices will rise. The elite plan everything many years in advance. They have a code of conduct which is quite different from ordinary folks. By engineering this economic collapse they stand to gain everything. The Illuminati Secrets: Propagate their intentions/plans openly but hidden in plain sight. You must understand their buzz words and methodology to see through their plans. One World Government An example is Hurricane Katrina which was caused by HAARP. The elite produced a movie: Oil Storm and released it publicly weeks before Katrina. Oil Storm told how they intended to engineer the Hurricane Katrina crisis and drive oil price much higher. The New World Order Another example is the Lone Gunman episode: telegraphing their intention to crash jet liners into the WTC Towers on 9/11. Bilderberg Group Hollywood is their perversion. The MSM is their mouth piece. The MSM is just their propaganda machine. It is used to program the sheeple into what to believe. And much more!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:44:24 +0000

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