Government Empowers Mabessaneh Hospital in the Ebola Fight Hassan - TopicsExpress


Government Empowers Mabessaneh Hospital in the Ebola Fight Hassan Bruz Northern Bureau Chief As President Ernest Bai Koroma continues the clarion call for collaborative efforts in the fight against Ebola, his Government has provided a consignment of Ebola Response Materials estimated at millions of Leones to the St John of God Catholic Hospital otherwise known as the Mabessaneh Hospital of Lunsar. The Consignment which included Mattresses, Veronica Buckets, Chlorines and Personal Protection Equipments, coincided with another package of Boots, Masks and Screens that was presented by Madam Isha Daramy Kabia on behalf of the Friends of Maternity Hospitals- an Organisation she serves as Director. These items were formally handed over to the Management of the Hospital by Paramount Chief Bai Koblo Queen at a brief ceremony that was attended by Sections of Traditional Authorities, Staff and Workers of the Hospital. Paul Santigie Sesay is the Coordinator of the Marampa Chiefdom Health Committee and one of those that formed part of the Traditional Authorities’ Team at this presentation Ceremony. He said the essence was to help the Hospital become much more efficient in handling Ebola related cases and urged for the items to be used for the intended purpose. He was buttressed by Paramount Chief Koblo Queen who used the opportunity to apologise to the Brothers of the St. John of God Catholic Hospital for what was referred to as the inconceivable manner in which the Mabessaneh Hospital was quarantined. The apology was accepted in good faith by Bro. Dr. Manuel Garcia Viejo on behalf of his Colleagues. He however stressed the need for an improved communication measures in the light of a cordial working relation between the Mission, Community and Government. Dr. Jibao D Sandy is the Medical Director at the St John of God Hospital. He said the decision to have quarantined them remained unjustified as there has never been any Laboratory Confirmed Case of Ebola in their Institution. He explained how all the purported cases that were subsequently referred to the Kenema Treatment Centre were diagnosed, certified and discharged as Ebola negative without even the lest form of treatment. Meanwhile the General Manager of the St John of God Catholic Hospital- Bro. Michael Koroma has expressed profound thanks and appreciation to His Excellency- President Ernest Bai Koroma, the Government and all those that assisted in salvaging the situation. He referred to the Package as a show case of Government’s determination to integrate the St John of God Catholic Hospital in to the National Health Delivery Service. He went on to described the offer as an actualised dream that could not have come at a better time than now. Bro. Michael Koroma praised the efforts of the Coordinator of the Marampa Chiefdom Health Committee -Paul Santigie Sesay, the Chairman of the Port Loko District Council- Ahmid Munirr Fofana, the Port Loko District Medical Officer Dr. Adikali Alpha Kamara and other prominent natives of Lunsar including Edmond Koroma who seemed to have brained the idea and further influenced the support to the Hospital. In an overview of the critical condition under which the Institution was operating, Br. Michael Koroma recalled how difficult it was for him to have continued with the everyday running of the Hospital. He said it was so difficult to execute the prescribed mandate of servicing humanity that he recently contemplated on either scaling down operations or completely shot down services as a result of the complexities posed by the Ebola virus. The General Manager said he was therefore brimful with gratitude to the Government of President Ernest Bai Koroma for the 2 months subvention he has been informed of. While assuring all of the judicious use of the Packages, he said his Management would even appreciate it better, if the Ministry of Health and Sanitation could extend its supervisory role to assess how the items were being utilised. Commenting on the level of preparedness for a recommencement normal health services, the General Manager said, things were now at a top gear. He told the Sierra Leone News Agency [SLENA] that things were now on track for the recommencement of effective services .He said they have embarked on a comprehensive clearing, disinfection ,fumigation, renovation and replacement of old equipments at the Hospital. Bro. Michael said this will be followed by a series of Sensitisation Campaigns and in- service Training Programmes on Ebola related issues. He said the opportunity would not only be limited to his Staff and Workers, but that it will as well be extended to other Stakeholders in the neighbourhood. You would need to know that the St John of God Hospital which is commonly known as the Mabessaneh Hospital of Lunsar was now about 47 years old in active service to this Nation. It is a 146 Bed Hospital that became one of the most famous Hospitals in the Sub Region . It used to provide effective Medical and Surgical Services to Mankind at an affordable Cost. This was in addition to Maternity, Laboratory, Paediatric, X- Ray, and of cause an Outpatients’ Department. But the Hospital was recently compelled to close down by the Deputy Minister of Political Affairs on the perception that it had some Ebola related death cases. The Photos below would help you to figure out what obtains at this one time most famous Hospital.....
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 09:03:34 +0000

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