Government Fueling National Insecurity The Women’s Arm of the - TopicsExpress


Government Fueling National Insecurity The Women’s Arm of the People’s National Movement (PNM) wishes to publicly express its displeasure with the People’s Partnership Government’s inability to deal with the spiraling crime rate in Trinidad and Tobago. Over the last weekend there were no fewer than five (5) murders and one cannot be optimistic about the perpetrators being apprehended and brought to justice, due to the apparent ineptitude that characterizes the policy direction of the Ministry of National Security. The spiraling crime and the low detection rate have had a debilitating effect on the public’s confidence and the fear of crime seems to have become pervasive. It remains a growing concern for the country at large but more so our mothers and women in general who continue to live in great insecurity and uncertainty. The failure of the People’s Partnership Government to ensure that two of our main crime fighting institutions are adequately staffed at the leadership level is tantamount to a blatant disregard for public safety. This neglect has only contributed to the despair and agony that loom over the various communities and country at large. Since the resignation of Ms. Gillian Lucky, the former head and the Director of Police Complaints Authority (PCA) on September 2, 2014, and Professor Ramesh Deosaran ORTT and Chairman of the Police Service Commission (PSC) on September 1, 2014, the Government has made no significant efforts to fill these voids, therefore leading to an untenable situation. When this is added to the deliberate decision to leave the Police Commissioner in an acting position rather than facilitating the measures to have an appointment confirmed, it is clear that National Security is not an important concern for this administration n. In this regard, given their abject failure in every area of government and particularly their failure to secure the peace and security of the population, the PNMs Womens League states categorically that the population has become weary and impatient with this inept and incompetent UNC led Peoples Partnership Government.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:40:51 +0000

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