Government Programmes in Mayuge District Mayuge District has a - TopicsExpress


Government Programmes in Mayuge District Mayuge District has a total population of 426, 507 people as per figures of Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) of 2010. It has 3 constituencies namely; Bunya East, Bunya South and Bunya West. It has 12 sub-counties, 01 Town Council, 68 parishes and 385 villages. District Budget for FY 2012/2013 Central Government......................shs 16, 148, 462, 432/= Development Partners....................shs 697, 597, 184/= Local Revenue................................shs. 48, 285, 209/= Total Budget...................................shs 16, 894, 345, 825/= Budget Breakdown NAADS......shs 1, 236, 787, 000/= Health.......shs 3, 176, 463, 419/= Education..shs 9, 877, 798, 427/= Roads........shs 501, 788, 301/= Water..... ...shs 434, 500, 000/= ROAD SECTOR In the last financial year, shs 731,100,000/= was released for the district road network. The funds were spent on the mechanised routine maintenance of the following roads; 1. Nondwe -Bugoto (15.1km) in Kigandhalo & Bukaboli sub-counties 2. Kyankuzi-Igeyero (7km) in Wairasa sub-county 3. Luyira-Mbaale (3.7km) in Imanyiro sub-county 4. Buwaaya-Mpungwe (10km) in Buwaaya & Mpungwe sub-counties 5.Ikulwe -Lwanika (13.7 km) in Bukatulwe sub-county 6. Kigandalo -Busiira (10km) in Kigandalo sub-county 7. Mapengo-Kaguta-Kibowa (1.4km) in Mayuge town council 8. Kyebando road (3km) in Mayuge Town Council Tarmacking of Musita-Mayuge-Namayingo road. This road is among the national priority roads for tarmacking. It has been budgeted for 2013/2014 financial year. WATER SECTOR The percentage of safe water coverage for the district is 48%. Latrine coverage is 69%. Shs 434,500,000/= was received last financial year for rural water supply. It was spent on the following activities; 1. Drilled 12 boreholes in the sub-counties of Kityerera(2), lmanyiro (2), Wairasa (1), Bukabooli (2), Kigandalo (1), Malongo (1), Mpungwe (1), Bukatube (1) and Mayuge Town Council (1). 2. Constructed 6 shallow wells in the sub-counties of; Imanyiro (2), Bukatube (1), Mpungwe (1), Baitambogwe (1), Kityerera (1). They wait installation. 3. Rehabilitated 12 boreholes in the sub-counties of Malongo (2), Kityerera (3), Imanyiro (2), Buwaya (1), Bukatube (2), Wairasa (1), Baitambogwe (1). Piped water for Bugadde Trading centre: the government is in the process of providing piped water to Bugadde Trading Centre in Kityerera sub-county. The Ministry of Water and Environment has already identified a contractor to undertake feasibility studies and detailed engineering designs of water supply systems for the project. HEALTH SECTOR The district has 01 hospital (NGO owned), 02 Health Centre IVs, 05 Health Centre IIIs and 29 Health Centre IIs. The district conducted mass measles and polio immunisation and covered up to 95%. In the last financial year, the health sector received shs.489,500,000. The funds were spent on the folllowing activities among others; 1. Construction of staff house at Wabulugu Health Centre III in Wairasa sub-county 2. Construction of staff house at Malongo Health Centre III in Malongo sub-county. 3. Constructed a pit latrine at Kigandalo Health Centre IV in Kigandalo sub-county EDUCATION SECTOR In the last financial year, the education department received school facilities grants (SFG) of shs. 248,100,000/= for Universal Primary Education (UPE) and shs 128,000,000/= for Universal Secondary Education (USE). Universal Primary Education (UPE) The district has 142 UPE schools, current enrollment is 94,845 pupils, UPE classrooms are 1,407, teachers on the payroll are 1,687 and the teacher to pupil ratio is 1:61. Construction of classroom blocks under UPE using the SFG funding last financial year. Two classroom blocks were constructed at each of the following schools; 1. Nalwesambula Primary School in Baitambogwe sub-county 2. Mwezi Primary School in Mpungwe sub-county 3. Sagiti Island Primary School in Jagusi sub-county Universal Secondary Education (USE) USE schools are 21, current enrollment is 4,768 students, teachers on government payroll are 141, and USE classrooms are 146. Secondary Schools renovated using World Bank funding in the last financial year. 1. Kaluba High School in Busakira sub-county 2. Kigandalo Secondary School in Bukabooli sub-county Construction of Bukabooli Seed School in Bukabooli sub-county is going on. Sub-counties not yet with government aided secondary schools include; Kigandalo, Busakira, Jagusi, Kityerera, Bukatube, Imanyiro, Wairasa and Mpungwe. SACCOs The district has 30 registered SACCOs, out of which 17 are active. Ten SACCOs have received a total of shs. 667, 000, 000 from the Micro-Finance Support Centre. Some of the SACCOs are doing well while others have been grossly mismanaged. Among those doing well are; Bugadde SACCO, Baitambogwe SACCO, United Islanders SACCO, and Malongo-Tyama-Obone. For example, Bugadde SACCO has 8, 000 members. It has so far received shs. 180, 000, 000 from the Micro Finance Support Centre. Its total operating capital is shs. 2 billion. Some of its members have been able to borrow and start income generating activities which have economically transformed the members. Plans Government acknowledges the need for a Government owned hospital in the district. It is part of standardised development guidelines issued by President Museveni that include a Government hospital in every district. Resources are being set aside for that purpose.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 08:57:14 +0000

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