Government jobs policy ineffective and stunting economic growth - - TopicsExpress


Government jobs policy ineffective and stunting economic growth - Cullinane Sinn Féin Seanad spokesperson for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Senator David Cullinane, today highlighted the ineffectiveness of government jobs policy, as the publication of the live register indicates an increase in long-term unemployment and in part-time and casual workers. Senator Cullinane said; “While the reduction of 2,500 on the live register is to be welcomed, it must be viewed in the context of continuing high emigration. The live register figures also show an increase in part-time and casual workers and the continued increase in long term unemployment. “The national picture does not reflect the jobs situations in communities across the state. In my region of the South East unemployment has increased by 1800 over the past month alone. “The fact is that the unemployment rate has not reduced by even 1% since this government came to power, despite record emigration levels. It is clear that the policies of this government are undermining the domestic economy and stunting economic growth. Only yesterday we heard of over 2000 potential job losses in Hewlett Packard and Ulster Bank. “It is our citizens who are paying the cost for the continued failure of government policy and Australia and other nations benefiting from the labour of our people. “The government needs to stimulate the economy to grow, to support investment in business and help get people back to work.”
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 16:06:54 +0000

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