Government schools are more closely related to prisons, in their - TopicsExpress


Government schools are more closely related to prisons, in their layout, than an institution that fosters creativity or imagination of any kind. On the contrary they stifle creativity, kill imagination, and decimate the love of learning. Some parallels that can be drawn to government schools include no freedom of association, no freedom of speech, an overwhelming clock watching mentality, a desire for freedom, appeal to authority, rather than ones peers, to solve all problems, knowledge comes from authority, obedience is rewarded, disobedience is harshly reprimanded, and movement is designated by the sound of bells. Research the historical origins of government school and you will have all the reason and proof needed to immediately withdraw your children from these institutions. If freedom to allow a child to learn as he/she please can be likened to blissful lovemaking than sending a child to government school is equivalent to child abuse or rape of the mind. Some people tell me, But look at you! You went to public school as you turned out ok! Ahh but we must never forget about the opportunity costs and the destruction of unseen potential. That is the real tragedy when we force our children to learn outdated and ancient knowledge that is, for the most part, no longer relevant to life today or can simply be learned in a fraction of the time on the Internet. If 12 years of government schooling really taught them useful skills, why is it that they are only worth a minimum wage job when they graduate? - DC
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 21:19:54 +0000

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