Government shutdown is "Constitutionally correct" action to - TopicsExpress


Government shutdown is "Constitutionally correct" action to take For those accusing the House Republicans of "blackmail" "holding the government hostage" or being "unpatriotic": James Madison said in the Federalist Papers that over-reach by the Senate (or the White House for that matter) is to be stopped by refusing to finance that over-reach. This is the final and absolute control of the nation by the people: or as Harry Reid calls it: "the new anarchy". The reality is the current situation is exactly what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote and adopted the U.S. Constitution. "These considerations seem to afford ample security on this subject, and ought alone to satisfy all the doubts and fears which have been indulged with regard to it. Admitting, however, that they should all be insufficient to subdue the unjust policy of the smaller States, or their predominant influence in the councils of the Senate, a constitutional and infallible resource still remains with the larger States, by which they will be able at all times to accomplish their just purposes. The House of Representatives cannot only refuse, but they alone can propose, the supplies requisite for the support of government. They, in a word, hold the purse -- that powerful instrument by which we behold, in the history of the British Constitution, an infant and humble representation of the people gradually enlarging the sphere of its activity and importance, and finally reducing, as far as it seems to have wished, all the overgrown prerogatives of the other branches of the government. This power over the purse may, in fact, be regarded as the most complete and effectual weapon with which any constitution can arm the immediate representatives of the people, for obtaining a redress of every grievance, and for carrying into effect every just and salutary measure." -James Madison, Federalist Paper 58 With the Federalist Papers being the dictum for the Constitution- indeed the sales pitch from the framers to the public to convince that public to ratify the Constitution; the explanation is simple: “The House of Representatives has “the power of the purse” specifically to insure the American people have a “complete and effectual weapon” to thwart shenanigans such as obamacare- or any other legislation passed using dishonesty as its foundation by the Senate.” Harry Reid’s assertion that the American people don’t have the right to oppose legislation- and that their organized opposition is somehow “anarchy”: is a diversion to avoid the fact that the American people were lied to in order to pass the sweeping legislation. His bitter accusation reeks of resentment towards the people for insisting (via Congressional representation) that their (the peoples) will is supreme in Washington. Senator Reid’s accusation indicates that he somehow doesn’t understand the proposition of the Constitution that this is a nation of the people (instead of oligarchs) by the people, and for the people, (meaning the perspectives of the people are to be represented in spite of party leaders). This, by the way; is the difference between American elections and the elections in Socialist nations where the people are subject to government intimidation. Given the influence on the Democrat Party by the Socialist Party of America, it’s easy to understand how the Senator from Nevada could become confused by the fact that our Government represents the will of the American people instead of bows to the will of Party Czars, (it’s no accident that Obama uses that term). If anything is evident in this debacle; it’s the need to revisit the seventeenth amendment to reverse the way Senators are elected- and the extreme time-frames of their terms. The proposition that the six year terms offer “stability” in Washington has been bastardized to become “insulation from the responsibility to the American people for their actions”. The six year terms have effectively created a disconnect between the citizens of the states- and these federal elitist. Indeed, the nation has finally awakened to the catastrophic ramifications of obamacare; and has subsequently turned on the tax. Multiple polls show the majority of American people have changed their minds in regards to their support for the program, and were simply lied to about its intrusion into their lives. A majority of Americans even support closing of the government to defund the program. It’s this overwhelming opposition of obamacare that gives the House of Representatives the precedent to defund the program until the American people have the opportunity to address the issue with those politicians who’ve mistreated and intentionally mislead them. The Left is screaming the subject was closed after the last election cycle- that “they won the election” so the House of Representatives should cease to hear and represent their constituents and “get with the program”. The left doesn’t understand that the House of Representatives is designed specifically to give the American people the “final authority” over their government with politicians who represent the smallest number of citizens for the least amount of time: specifically to insure it’s “the people” who get the last word in the federal system instead of the states (pre-seventeenth amendment) or the political parties (post-seventeenth amendment) or even the Federal bureaucracy via the White House. Indeed, the House of Representatives is designed to thwart the attempts by the political parties and the Executive Branch from forming coalitions to develop oligarchy over the people: and that “authority” is the reason the House controls all federal spending. It’s the people who have the final authority as long as Congressional representatives remember why they were sent to Washington. With Presidential elections every four years, and Senatorial elections every six year: the peoples’ Congressmen serve as their paracletes in the out of touch world of Washington D.C. From the “Gut and Replace” tactic to get obamacare through the House- to the Democrat Party declaring war on the American people: this legislation has been successful in revealing all that’s wrong in the American political system: and the American people have simply had enough. This is the opportunity for the GOP to regain its affinity with the Main Street America- if they can stomach the idea of interacting with small business owners, traditional values citizens, and people who still love their country in spite of it’s imperfections. Moving forward, the American people should be educated by Republicans on the role of the House, the shenanigans that were used to pass obamacare- and its detrimental affects on the lives of people and the national economy up to this point- and what is expected to happen if it continues to be forced on the nation. As for shutting down the government to represent the American people: It was Constitutionally the correct action to take.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 23:42:16 +0000

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