Governor Chime said even though people from the other two - TopicsExpress


Governor Chime said even though people from the other two senatorial districts of the state were free to contest as some Nsukka candidates contested previously, the ruling PDP, had an understanding for rotationof the governorship position in the state. Chime said that after the PDP would have produceda candidate from Nsukka district, the choice of who wins would still remain with the electorate. Before Chime’s declaration,there had been apprehensions that Deputy Senate President, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, who is from the same senatorial zone as the incumbent could muscle his way into the race and by that derail the zoning arrangement which has run for 21 years starting from when the former National Chairman of the PDP, Dr. Okwesilieze Nwodo, from Nsukka zonebecame the first civilian governor of the old state in 1992. Nwodo, who served as governor on the platform of the defunct National Republican Convention, NRC, lost his position when the military dissolved all political structures after the annulment of the 1993 presidential election won by late Chief MKO Abiola. Though he was there for only two years it was counted as a turn for the people of Nsukka. Before Chime’s announcement, the peopleof Nsukka had taken it for granted that they would produce the next governoruntil about three months ago when residents of the state woke up to discover that campaign posters of Senator Ekweremadu had flooded major streets especially in Enugu metropolis and Nsukka, thus upping the ante. Ekweremadu promptly accused his political opponents of being behind the posters but some people did not believe him. They reasoned that there was no way Ekweremadu who hails from Aninri in Enugu West Senatorial district could aspire for thegovernorship position, given the unwritten zoning arrangement. Chime who hails from Udi in the same Senatorial District will complete his second term of four years in 2015, after his predecessor, Dr ChimarokeNnamani, from Enugu Easthad equally served for twoterms of four years each, leaving Nsukka as the onlyzone yet to serve since thereturn of civil rule in 1999. Nsukka people commend Chime Meanwhile, the people of Enugu North Senatorial Zone have praised Governor Chime over his categorical declaration that it was their turn to produce the next governorof the state. They also pledged to vote overwhelmingly for the party which had consistently ruled the state since 1999. A statement signed in Enugu on behalf of the people of the area by ChiefMaxi Ukuta said Governor Chime had demonstrated that he remained a man ofhonour. Ukuta who had convened a series of meetings to sensitise the various segments including the intelligentsia, business community and political leaders in the area recounted the indelible contribution of late Igwe Charles Abangwu towards the struggle. Ukuta who served as a cabinet commissioner during the administration of Chief Jim Nwobodo in the old Anambra State recalled that late Chairmanof the Enugu State Council of Traditional Rulers, Igwe Abangwu had the vision by bringing together, all the traditional rulers from the old Nsukka Zone and the entire Enugu State to rally support for Governor Chime, insisting that the governor had his second term in office. He said it was ‘’a master-stroke by Igwe Abangwu because hesupported a people’s governor, whose second term has turned out to be an unquantifiable blessingto the entire people of thestate.’’ “My people are overjoyed”, Chief Ukuta, explained “ that the governor has kept this covenant and has shown that he is, indeed a man ofhonour; indeed a statesman, who keeps his word.” He also commended the governor for his avowed support forthe creation of Adada State as an additional state to be created in Igboland. Additional state Ukuta emphasised that the Adada State Movement, which was oneof the oldest and suitably qualified both in land mass, mineral and human resources, had always topped the list of states’ agitation. . The current Chairman of the state council of traditional rulersand paramount ruler of Essodo Kingdom, Igwe Osisi Itodo, also echoed Ukuta’s sentiments, pointing out that Chime’s second term campaign was kick-started in his Igboeze North Local council because of the people’s belief that Chime was an honourable man, who would abide by the zoning arrangement in thestate. Chime has not been known to be the loquacious type. He has continued to tread cautiously to avoid being linked to his successor since he came into power in 2007. However, following his announcement that his successor would come from those who had been close to his administrationit would be safe to assumethat those who are outside the favoured group would begin to prepare themselves for the serious challenges ahead.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 15:39:50 +0000

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